Title: Routine
riotact Character(s)/Pairing: Dean Winchester
Table 06: 365 Prompt(s): Morning
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Quite obviously not mine, I wish. This is just for fun.
Word Count: 368
Summary: Dean has a routine, or as much of a routine as he can get.
A/N: This is from a long ass time ago, but randomly Dean started attacking my brain again and since I'm such a sucker for his fine ass I let him attack. lol
The morning is cold and grey, which isn't surprising for Oregon but it still manages to make Dean sad, which bothers him. He hates weather and how it can affect him, so he scowls when he gets up and goes to the dinner for something to eat. Snaps an order at the waitress and waits impatiently for his food. While he waits he tries not to think, thinking is his enemy. Leads him to terrible thoughts that he'd rather forget. It has the power to make Dean angry or sad and even on occasion, both. This weakness isn't enough for him to handle, at least that's how he's always thought of emotions, as weaknesses. Little fissures that can be attacked and broken enough to get him hurt or killed. So he sighs and tries to relax as his food is placed in front of him.
Dean is adamant in starting his day off with meat; sausages, bacon and ham, extra portions please. The eggs are a staple and the potatoes merely a filler for the lack of more meat. He eats quickly, a habit after years on the road hunting, where you don't have time to eat or sleep regularly. When he is done he leans back in his chair and basks in the feeling of a full stomach, burps once and then downs his coffee. It's almost like a routine in a not so routine life. This is how he's been starting his mornings for years; it's how he keeps on going. The thought of breakfast spurring him on, sure it maybe be a new diner every other day but it's still food. It's still the meat you find in every other place, maybe cooked just a little differently. He likes to think of it as a ritual almost. Like how most people have spaghetti every Wednesdays or something. Dean has the same breakfast every morning that he can manage to find a diner. It's the only thing he has to normality, the one shred he can hang out to and say 'See? Look, I am normal. I'm human, just like you.' because if he didn't have that, he wouldn't be sure if he could keep fighting.