1. what did you want to be when you grew up? why? it changed like, everyday. i can remember a ballerina, a gymnast, a police officer, a doctor (i think every child goes through that) and my mom tells me i also aspired to be a pizza delivery woman. i don't know my reasoning for any.
2. who was your favorite person to do things with (excluding your parents)? my cousin, my little apartment friends. i think one's name was andrea, and i remember a girl in MS named brittany. and there was always a boy in there somewhere.
3. did you love school or did you hate it? Why? Did that change as you got older? loved it. i was a freak. i started hating it in 4th grade.
4. was your family close? What were your favorite family traditions? um, i don't know? i guess not...
5. did you think that being an adult would be cool? i don't think i cared.
1. What was the last dream that you had about? it was weird. but then again, my dreams are always weird. it was the first game of football season and for some reason we were playing Florida and my dad was going to take me but thought the game was like, a month early and they had some freaking WEIRD field positions that made no sense in the real world, and yeah. it was weird. i don't know where it came from. *shrug*
2. Does it hold any significant meaning to you? lol, no.
3. Do you dream in color or black and white? color.
4. What is the most frightening dream you ever had? about a week ago i had a dream that my entire family was being taken over by some sort of exorcist being or something. the devil, i guess. and i had another dream a few weeks back that my parents had to kill my baby sister and my brother because they had been near some poisonous spider. they sound dumb but they were fucking scary.
5. Is there one dream that stays clear in your mind despite the fact it was more than a few years ago? not really. there IS the one i had about chasing down taylor hanson for sex when i was in the
1. What is something that you used to believe, but are glad you don't believe anymore? i used to be freaked out to sit on the left side of anything, especially cars. i still prefer to sit on the right, but i don't almost have a heart attack if i have to sit on the left.
2. Is there something you wish you still believed? What? in god. and that life is good.
3. What experience or person taught you the most about life? dunno. i've got a lot of learning left to do.
4. What area of life would you like to know or understand more about? i want to understand the point of LIFE itself. once i understand that, i can get into subcategories.
5. What is your most valuable lesson about life so far? "things change, and friends leave, and life doesn't stop for anybody." - theperks
You wake up one morning, all groggy and tired. As you stumble your way into the bathroom, you look in the mirror and find out that...
1. You're the opposite sex. Besides the obvious playing with the new parts, what would you do? does peeing fall under the "playing with the new parts" category? because i would totally love to be able to pee standing up.
2. You're someone famous. Who and why? taylor hanson because he's absolutely beautiful. :) or julia roberts because she rocks.
3. You're the King (Queen) of the World (no, you're not James Cameron). What edict would you pass? dunno.
4. You're no longer in Kansas (or this world) anymore. Where are you? dunno. outerspace. with the stars. :)
5. You have a clone standing next to you and it's going to work/school for you while you get to play hooky. What are you going to do today? dunno. nothing special.
Fortune Cookie
1. What is your opinion on karma? i believe in it.
2. If anything, do you think attitude makes any difference? yep. and mine stinks. :)
3. How has luck/chance/facts-of-life/God/karma/nature treated you so far? okay, i guess. but something really fucking GREAT better happen to me to pay off for all of the SHIT i'm going through right now.
4. What is your opinion of the concept of destinies? i believe in destiny.
5. Are both bad and good things needed in order to truly live life? if you insist.
1) If you came upon a time machine, where would you go? Would you alter anything? Why? to a year ago. maybe.
2) If you managed to capture the Questing Beast, an odd combination of animal forms that is said to know the answers to all questions, what one question would you ask it? Would the answer change anything? Why? if i was going to find the person i was meant to be with, or if such a person exists for me. no - i'd just have the comfort of knowing i will not be this lonely forever. unless it's answer was no in which case...i dunno what would happen.
3) You've found yourself a rather obedient genie in a bottle. Make your three wishes. Why, out of everything you could ask for, do these three win out? i would wish for more wishes, genius.
4) Someone presents you with a working voodoo doll. Do you use it? On who, why, and to what purpose? nope, i'm not that cruel
5) Pick a superpower, any superpower. What and why? How would this change your life? be invisible. dunno.
1. What is the best dessert you've ever had? brownie sundae from bennigan's. so good.
2. Is there a dessert that just plain grosses you out? tiramisu. creme brulee. fruitcake.
3. Straight out of the container or with lots of toppings .... tell us how you like your ice cream. i don't really do too many toppings.
4. Cookie dough, brownie mix, cake batter or the finished products? dough, mix, batter. it's always better before it's baked.
5. You've just invented a great new dessert .... what's in it and what is it called? dunno
1. What is your favorite summer activity? going to the beach
2. What was one great thing you did this summer? last summer....redid my room? had a lot of sex? lol.
3. When you were a child, what was your favorite summer activity? the pool, sprinklers, i don't really remember.
4. What has been your favorite summer vacation? philly in '02. !!
5. Summer goes well into September, but when do you feel like it is over? the end of july
1) Of everything in your wardrobe what do you feel the most comfortable wearing? Why? my ae jeans because they're a size too big and make me feel skinny even if they've just come out of the dryer.
2) How would you describe your style? layers.
3) How many pairs of shoes do you own and do you wear them all? a lot. for the most part.
4) Where do you buy most of your clothes? delias, wet seal
5) What was the last piece of clothing you bought? i bought a lot...a skirt, some shirts, a pair of flip flops...
1) who was your favorite band/musican when you were younger? phase 1: clay walker. phase 2: hanson.
2) why? because clay was my future husband. and hanson because they rock, duh.
3) are they still your favorite/one of your favorites? hanson is! i've kinda forgotten about clay...he's coming to atlanta in june and i kinda wanna go see him but i dunno if i will. :)
4) what is your favorite of their songs? ladeda
5) are there any specific lyrics you hold dear? um.
Hand writing
1. What color ink pen do you like best? black. or something fun like neon pink or orange or something.
2. Do you prefer plain paper or paper with lines (notebook paper)? notebook paper. wide ruled.
3. What's better: books from the library, or reading online? i buy my books.
4. Which would you rather get, e-mail or snail mail? snail mail! except i'm less likely to reply to that.
5. Do you have a paper weight on your desk? no
1) Do you remember your first kiss? yep
2) How old were you when you had your first kiss? 15
3) Where did your first kiss occur? in my garage. romantic, eh? ;)
4) Where do you think is the most romantic place to exchange a kiss? (locations, not body parts) under the stars. or in the rain. :)
5) What type of kisser are you? (peck, smooch, French, sloppy, etc.) um. i like long ones?
Pick one and explain why
1. Would you rather earn more money or have more time off? well. if i end up being what i want to be, i'll be able to choose my hours AND earn a crapload of money. booyah.
2. Which is more important, the ends or the means? erm what?
3. How are our personalities formed, by nature or through nurture? i don't know.
4. Who do you feel closer to, your mother or your father? my mom.
5. Why do you answer these silly questions, out of boredom or out of love of introspection? boredom. and i do like answering questions.
1. What is the creepiest everyday object you know? spiders.
2. What's the most useful everyday item? um. a toothbrush.
3. What's the most useless everday item? there are a lot of those. like, a vacuum cleaner for instance. or a duster. :)
4. If the power was out for 24 hours, what would you do? gah i hate that.
5. If you had to have one item you use everyday surgically attached to you, what would it be, and why? ugh. i dunno.
What band were you totally crazy about in the 80's? seeing as i was born in '88, i wasn't really old enough to pay too much attention.
What makes you squeamish? BONES. ick ick ick. and spiders. and needles. but especially bones. *shudders*
What smell makes you sick? eggs. ewww.
If you were an ice cream flavor, what would you be? i dunno.
Have you/would you ever meet someone you got to know online? i've done it.
What is your favorite hour of the day? sunset.
Which is better, sunrise or sunset? sunset
Would you rather rollerblade or skateboard? Rollerblade.
Would you rather play bass or the drums in a band? Drums!
Do you have a subprofile for AIM? nope.
What is your current favorite song (or at least one of them)? "split screen sadness"-john mayer
Which popstar would you most like to kill? ha. eminem.
Who from your past would you most like to kill? No one.
If you could go back in time and change one thing that you really fucked up, what would it be? my relationship with jw.
If you could go back and seize an opportunity you missed, what would it be? umm. i really don't know.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be? invisibility.
Do you feel bad for the animals at the zoo? occasionally, yeah.
If you were an item on a fast food restaurant of your choice's menu, what would you be? i don't knoow.
Which celebrity makes you drool? taylor hanson.
Have you ever been in therapy, and if so, was it helpful? yes. and not yet.
Describe your favorite pair of shoes. i have so many.
Have you ever laughed so hard you peed a little? No.
If you could sit in the audience for the taping of any show, including cartoons or shows that aren't on the air anymore, what would it be? gilmore girls!
How do you feel about emo? whateevvverr.
Do you exercise regularly? yes
Would you rather change a baby or an elderly person? ...ew. a baby.
Are you prone to road rage? errr. sort of? :)
What was the worst soda ever made? vanilla coke. ick.
Do you take a lot of those personality tests online? i used to. they can be fun. haha.
Do you fill out a lot of surveys like these? yes.
The Osbournes: stupid or funny? hilarious
Would you rather go up in a hot air balloon or go rock climbing? i wanna do both. i dunno. probably rock climbing.
Anything you want to get out of your system? ...not really.
name - brittani
D.O.B- 3/24
age - 17
sex - female
height - 5'5"
location - alabama
hair color - dirty blond
sexual orientation- straight
what brand of deodorant do you use - secret
do you watch porn everyday- can't say that i do
Do you have any pets - one cat
do you have your own phone line - nope
your thoughts on abortion - pro-choice.
what do you want to do with your life - oh bah.
ever been butt naked bangin' on the bathroom floor - not on the bathroom floor...
do you like hot dogs - ehh no
ever taken ballet - when i was little
tattoos = hate em
describe yourself in four words = how bout NO.
cd you listened to = heavier things - john mayer
person you called = isabel
person that has called you= mom
person you emailed = don't remember
person who emailed you = dont remember
time you wished you could live somewhere else = a few days ago
time you thought about suicide = today
time you did drugs = never
time you smoked = never
others find you attractive = maybe, ask them
you like roller coasters = yeessssssss
you write in cursive or print = i alternate
murder = um. it sucks?
premarital sex = cool with me.
gay marriage= i'm for it, but i can kind of see where the people who oppose it are coming from.
believe in soul mates = yes
believe in love at first sight = no
believe in god = i don't know
ever cried over a girl/guy = yes
ever been arrested = no
ever dated anyone who's in your friends list = yes
ever considered dating anyone else on your friends list? no
of times I have been in love? = 1
of times I have had my heart broken? = 1
of hearts I have broken? = 0?
of boys I have kissed? = 1
of girls I have kissed? = 0
of men I've slept with? = 1
of girls I've slept with? = 0
of continents I have lived on? = 1.
of drugs taken illegally? = 0
If you had to give up either music or sex for the rest of your life, which would you pick? *whines* don't make me pick!
What's your favorite bad-for-you food?: french fries. and gummi bears.
Are you a dog person or a cat person?: cat
What's your favorite US city?: that i've been to - philly!
Have you ever made out with more than one person in the same 24 hour period?: no
Favorite curse word?: dunno
Favorite euphemism for sex?: errr, we'll stick with sex
Have you ever had a romantic/sexual encounter with a rock star?: sigh. no. haha.
What current trend do you think is ridiculous and wish would go away immediately? ugh those stupid 70s shorts that are almost capris. gross.
[Said "I love you" and meant it?] yes
[Been to New York?] yes
[Been to Florida?] yes
[California?] no
[Hawaii?] no
[Mexico?] no
[China? Japan?] no
[Canada?] no
[Danced nekkid?] dunno
[Apples or bananas?] bananas
[Red or blue?] blue
[Backstreet Boys or N Sync?] neither
[do you want to get married] yes!
[if so, what age would you like to be married] mid 20s
[who will you marry?] the person i'm meant to be with
1. What is your fetish? panties.
2. When is the last time you puked and why? umm. oh yeah. about a month ago after we had taste-tested sweet breads in food nutrition and wellness. the sugar made me MAJORLY sick.
3. What was the last REAL concert you went to? hanson in nashville july 27, '04. i'm seeing better than ezra in a couple of weeks! YAY! and then maybe tolch and clay walker in atlanta for music midtown! who wants to go with me to see tolch? come on, kids!
4. What was the last movie you saw? mean girls, i think?
5. What do you wear when you go swimming: a bathing suit?
6. What's your favorite doll or action figure? erm.
7. What's your favorite TV character? hm. dunno.
8. Scariest person to find you on LJ? um?
9. What's your background on your computer screen? it's pink.
10. If you could reunite ANY 80's band who would it be? um.
11. What's the worst reality tv show? all of them.
12. If you could be a vegetable, what would you be? potatoes, because everyone would like me. well, almost everyone. but we won't go there.
13. Perfect show to watch at 3am? there's pretty much nothing on. occasionally daria will be on the n...
14. Perfect food to cure the munchies? depends on what i'm in the mood for
15. What's your biggest pet peeve? arrogance. and smoking. and..i could go on forever but i won't.
16. What's your favorite 80s movie? i dunno
17. Have you ever been stalked? no
18. Strangest idea you've ever had? beats me
20. If you could be anyone for a day who would it be? dunno