Apr 18, 2005 23:53
Oh shit who got into UCSD? I think that would be ME!
Apr 08, 2005 13:40
And today i got accepted to UC Irvine, but that was my last choice so ya.
I wanna hear from san diegoooo...
Apr 07, 2005 22:11
I got accepted to UCSB today.
Apr 04, 2005 21:18
Wow i've lost like 3 friends I once considered close to me in this year of 2005.
That kinda sucks.
On the upside I went to my friend Becky's with Erwin on friday who lives like walking distance from the boardwalk in venice and I bought a way awesome bubbler for only 60 dollars, no tax, and with a bag. Yay.
Mar 20, 2005 12:37
Haha my last entry was so over dramatic. Oh well.
Happy persian new year to me. Lots of money from all my relatives :)
Mar 18, 2005 11:46
Fuck boys who get drunk and yell at you unnecessarily.
I broke my bubbler.
I threw up 3 times.
Mar 14, 2005 20:54
2 more days till spring break
Mar 09, 2005 22:04
When you can take shrooms, drink tequila, smoke weed and attempt to swing across a rocky creek on a rope and not die or horribly injure yourself aside from some cuts and bruises you have to start wondering why you're just so damn cool.
Mar 03, 2005 21:35
So I think I got into UCLA. They sent me a letter telling me how to apply for their reagants scholarship.. so like they wouldn't be telling me to apply for a scholarship if I'm not going to get in.
I dont want to go there but it means that i'll hopefully get into my other schools.
And then i'll finally move out.
Feb 24, 2005 21:11
What ever happened to all my friends...