1. Do you have a boyfriend? yes
2. What is his name? David
3. Where did you meet? at auditions for jack
4. When did you meet? 2 years ago febuary
5. Do you remember what you were wearing when you first met? no idea
6. Do you remember what he was wearing when you first met? nope
7. Do you remember a song that was popular at the time you first met? hmmmm i'm trying to think of one....i can't do it!
8. Do you have a special song? yeah "arrange it" haha
9. Do you have a special movie? 50 first dates
10. What is the age gap between both of you? not much
11. Do you like being older/younger? yeah, i'm younger
12. Do you know their birthdate? oct 1
13. Do you know where they were born? yup
14. Is he/she a star sign that are you compatible with? kinda
15. Do they have annoying habits? definitely
16. Have you told them about their annoying habit(s)? some of them, others not
17. Do they snore? nope
18. Do they hog the bed? no
19. Do you have similar interests? yeah
20. Do you have similar tastes in music? yeah mostly
21. Do you have kids? no!
22. Do you know what your partner is doing now? he's in florida....
23. When did you last have a fight? sunday.
24. When did you last kiss? right before he left.
25. When did you last hug? see above.
26. What color are his eyes? brown
27. What color is his hair? brown
28. What do you think their best asset(s) is/are, physically? he's tall, nice hair, great smile, good skin
29. What is his worst asset, physically? he has bags under his eyes but...that's about it
30. Do you know his favorite song? 'it sucks to be me' ha
31. Do you know his favorite movie? one of them is spiderman
32. Do you know his favorite book? yeah! that grover book.
33. Do you get along with his parents? yeah they're so sweet.
34. Do you know what really annoys him? liars and people who skid around the truth
35. If yes, have you ever done it to annoy him? no
36. What is the best thing he has ever done for you? been there for me during hard times
37. What is the most romantic thing he has done for you? looked me in the eye and told me he loved me
38. Will you let him see this survey? nope