I could stay a while, But sooner or later I'll break your smile. And I can tell a joke, But one of these days I'm bound to choke. And we might share a kiss, But I feel like I can't go through with this. And we could build a home, But I know the right thing for me to do is leave you alone.
On a side note, I think it had something to do with the lesbian comment on Amy's wall.
Sooooo whaaatttt my boyfriend worries because mad people crush on me because I'm fuckin hot. And he cared extra about the lesbian because I cared about her. at some point in that mess.
First day of class went pretty well. I'm stokeddddd I suppose. A little nervous about old skeletons sneak sneak sneaking out of the closet, but I'll take that as it comes
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These are my firsts. If I tag you it means I want to know yours. Copy and paste this note into your notes, delete my answers and fill yours in. Tag me back and anyone else whose "firsts" you want to know about
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