*LOL* That is not true, the guitar, base and vocal is of course live, and any idiot would notice that if they see them live, I mean you can HEAR and see that they play live. But of course the drums and I guess keyboard and stuff must be recorded in advanced since they are only 3 persons and only can do 3 things after all! But they do it live, hey I was one of the organizers for the BLOOD conserts in Sweden so I should notice if they didn't do it live, I mean I have seen their soundchecks and all so, well yeah, figure it out for yourself! ;)
Yes, I know, that's why I asked you.^^ Their German tour organisers (Astan) told people on a public forum that BLOOD play/sing over playback tapes but I have never seen them live, so I can't judge.
Well I guess that person must have meant that they have drums and synth playback or something cuz surely the person must know that they play guitar, base and vocal live... I'm just guessing, and then the fans might have misunderstood or something... I don't know much about what people said about BLOOD in Europe and stuff, since I don't really am on communities and stuff where people talk about these things, so I can only tell you what I have seen and know. ^^
hehehehe.. Blood are funny.. when they played in Mexico was very interesting b/c here they almost only drunk beer and tequila.. so the first day they ddin't do playback at all but by the third day they were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo drunk they had to do it!!!... Kiwamu stopped playing but the chord continued.. XDDD.. anyway.. they're coming in October and Plastic Tree next week.. ^o^.. but I think I can't go.. U.U.. fuck job!!!... but I need it.. ^^..
BLOOD really are underestimated. They're sooo good they should have a lot more 'real' fans. Sadly I think there are a lot of people who just like the visuals and don't really listen to their music.
Gå och se Bell ("BERU") om ni kan, vi såg dem två gånger sist och de var jättebra! Har tappat bort deras webbaddress men sök på visunavi så borde de dyka upp.
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