Casey and I are expecting a beautiful baby girl this November!
I am 13 weeks along right now and finally starting to see a possible end to the morning (what a crock!) sickness and constant fatigue. It has been quite a challenge to do everything that I needed to do to get all of my Wayward Ware responsibilities done before faire started and to just get thru faire, the heat, the nausea, the fatigue, and still try to not let it all show until we knew that everything was going to be okay with our baby. Trying to put in the hours that I needed to to get everything done was trying indeed with all the nausea and the need for frequent naps. I fell asleep several times in my chair sewing....eek! My big challenge was to try to look perky and happy to sell chidlren's clothes while trying to hide my dry heaving...oh! the joy of pregnancy! A couple of weeks ago we had to share our news with a handful of people because it was starting to get a bit obvious that something was up...sick ALL the time, tired all the time...and a growing belly that has been harder and harder to hide. OH...and did I mention the heartburn...oy! We've been on pins and needles for weeks because of mysterious high hormone levels that I had from the start that my dr was very worried about. I had a cvs test about 2 weeks ago to determine if everything was okay. It was a little nerve wracking because there is a chance of miscarriage with having the test done but it was very necessary and it gave us the good news we were waiting for! This so far has been a very different pregnancy than I had with Tessa. My pregnancy with Tessa up till this point was much easier. This time around, my nausea and fatigue started at 4 weeks and has been much more intense than it ever was with Tessa. I also started to have a belly pretty 13 weeks I am the size I was at 7 months with Tessa. have those tight pre child ligaments again! I am frightened to see what I look like come November! I wish we hadn't had to keep this a secret so long but after our loss last year I understood why people wait to share their news. I think this baby is going to take after her daddy...while they took this picture when doing the ultrasound... she really looked like she was doing Casey's tard dance with her arms and legs moving all over the place!...oh dear!