RisabetTitle: 086. Violins, Eunhyuk/Kibum
Word count: 737, fic count 5/100
Rating: G, maybe PG for drunken people, humour
Disclaimer: I am in no way related to these people, only the story is mine
Summary: Kibum and Eunhyuk find a common tune ^_~
Kibum frowned. He had lost the count of drinks he had downed a good half an hour ago already, but in stead of feeling worried for his liver and brain cells he decided to simply marvel at the fact that he was still conscious. Besides, at some point the dorm seemed to have turned into a wonderful, wonderful place filled with sound (where did it come from anyway?) and colour, albeit the latter one a little blurry. Next to him was Eunhyuk, not quite sitting but close enough, telling a longish tale about …Kibum wasn’t sure what, but it sure was interesting. He giggled just for the sake of doing so, and Eunhyuk turned to him, a fond, although not exactly sharp look in his eyes.
“You,” Hyukjae’s words were only slightly slurred,”are the best drinking buddy anyone ever had. The best in the whole wide wro-, wol-, this place, you know that?” Kibum nodded happily, taking another swig from the bottle of something most definitely alcoholic that Yesung had sworn by and who was Kibum to argue with his hyung?
“I know, and do you know why I know? I know because otherwise I wouldn’t be drinking with you.” This made perfect sense to both of them and they were just about to continue their quest of getting Very, Very Drunk and after that possibly Even More Drunk when something suddenly clicked in Kibum’s brain.
“A-HA!” he exclaimed, “I knew it! Hyukkie, listen to that! Do you know what that is?” Eunhyuk looked surprised at all the sudden activity taking place when they were supposed to be heading for oblivion, but screwed his face obediently, concentrating as hard as he could. At first he only heard buzzing, most likely originating from inside his head, until his ears picked up the faintest traces of sound coming from afar.
“It’s music…?”
“It’s a violin,” Kibum replied victoriously, grinning to the fullest. “That means someone is playing something somewhere.” Comprehension spread across Hyukjae’s face like the first rays of sun in the morning.
“It’s just like Hanri then!”
“Henry, but other then that, yes!” Kibum looked like a child, his eyes wide and bright. Sighing happily, he leaned his head against the shoulder of his forever faithful drinking buddy.
“I like it, Hyukkie, I really do.”
“Me too. And I like that Hanri as well. He knows how to handle that violin of his.”
“And those hips, too. Good dancer, he is.”
“A toast to that!” Two bottles clicked together after first missing each other a couple of times.
“But, Hyukkie-ah, we can dance too, can’t we?”
“Yah, we sure can! Korea’s number one dancers!” The pair looked at each other, slight madness gleaming in their eyes behind the intoxicated glaze. Had the other members been present, they would have made a run for it at the sight of that, no matter how drunk they’d been.
Coming home from the movies just after midnight Kangin and Eeteuk were greeted with a level of noise usually associated with daytime and vast, under-populated areas reserved for gatherings rather than small suburban apartments.
“OOM-PAM-PAH, oom-pam-PAH-“
“Nooo, Hyukkie, this isn’t walz!”
“It now is! I can decide because that jerk Hanri has stopped playing and we need to accompany ourselves!”
“Henry and it wasn’t him in the first place anyway! Oh, hi umma and appa!” Kangin and Eeteuk could only stare, slack-jawed, as Kibum and Eunhyuk waltzed from around the corner towards them, completely absorbed in their own little world. The dance - and the ‘oom-pam-pah’s - went on for a while until Hyukjae lost his balance during a particularly tricky spin and fell, pulling Kibum down with him. After a quick argument over which limb belonged to whom and a good amount of giggling Korea’s number one dancers managed to get back to their feet, their clothes ruffled and faces flushed.
“This,” said Kangin slowly, motioning with his thumb and index finger, “is the world’s smallest violin, playing just for the two of you.”
Kangin knew he was a funny guy, but he still couldn’t quite understand why Hyukjae and Kibum found this so hilarious, both howling with laughter as they turned to stumble towards the bedrooms, one supporting the other. Eeteuk let out a sigh that had obviously been building up for some time already. One last muffled ‘oom-pam-pah’ echoed down the hallway.
“Well, next morning should be an interesting one, yet again.”
Notes: This was my first drunk!fic and I’m not entirely pleased with it. I’ve never been drunk in my nineteen years so I rather lack experiences on which to base this stuff, but I hope this was decent none the less!