RisabetTitle: 042. Suits, Kibum/Kyuhyun
Word count: 354, fic count 9/100
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I am in no way related to these people, only the story is mine
Summary: Kibum is delirious, Kyuhyun listens and speaks
Happy birthday, Kyuhyun! Stay true to yourself, believe in what's worth believing in and never forget how much you're loved.
“Last night I had a dream about subway trains, dead people, interconnected buildings and being underwater and I'm scared because it won't leave me, it's been etched to my bones and I'm scared because I think there was too much truth in it and I'm scared because I can feel myself slowly slipping and spiralling down.” Kibum’s eyes glister with fever and his voice is small, smaller than Kyuhyun would like.
“You don’t have to be scared, hyung, it was nothing more than a dream.” The younger boy firmly pushes Kibum back down by the shoulder as the other one tries to sit up.
“We all follow a suit, Kyuhyun, that’s what I’ve been told, that’s what I’ve been told to do. But I have no idea what that means. What suits are there to follow?” Kyuhyun carefully wipes the sweat away from Kibum’s forehead, just like a mother or a lover would. Silence falls between them, only the night sounding outside, the wind howling out loud its sorrow. The older boy closes his eyes once more, the silhouette of his friend burning inside his eyelids.
“I don’t want to die, Kyuhyun.”
“No one does.”
“Many do.”
“Everyone will.” Kyuhyun’s fingers are cold and soothing as he traces Kibum’s features with them, thumb gently brushing the closed eyes, the burning cheek, the pale lips. One of them sighs, neither one can be sure which, maybe both, or maybe they only imagined it, confused the soft sound with something else.
“But hyung, tonight you can sleep without having to worry. No one is going to die tonight. We’ll follow someone else’s suit, not the one we were told to, just for tonight. We won’t be human, we’ll be thoughts and dreams and we’ll laugh and the only one who’ll cry will be the wind.”
“What if we still die?” Kyuhyun hesitates briefly because he knows there are no answers to these questions, but still tries his best.
“Then we’ll die together and with smiles upon our faces.” And at that there no longer are inquiries, only soft breathing and tears falling through the deep sleep.
Notes: Basically, a fic like this is what happens when a fangirl is experiencing anxiety and needs to convey her feelings in one way or other.
I suck for making Kibum suffer over and over again.