a whole lot of nothin'

Oct 20, 2005 20:14

i can't think of a greeting that i feel like writing. i have honestly ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

maxfutterman October 21 2005, 02:15:05 UTC
Didn't I tells ya it was great?


what? heathermeg0917 October 21 2005, 04:42:49 UTC
Gmail? what is it? no hotmail?....I'm so confused! Could be the accounting studying thats done a better job of rotting my brain than make any improvements but if this gmail thing is a real thing, and especially if I will nolonger be able to conversate with you over hotmail, you better send me an invite. Cuz I need a way ot talk to you somehow.Maybe us here in the midwest aren't cool enough to know about it. Otherwise I'll just end up leaving messages like this on your livejournal. ;)


noushiepants October 22 2005, 16:00:35 UTC
Oh these are fabulous!


bellieboo11 October 23 2005, 01:01:44 UTC


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