New soundtrack is here----[ happy. ]
Studying has been intense lately;
One midterm down, two(three?) to go.
Right now I'm sitting in the shop waiting to sign up to use a laser-cutter on Monday to cut cast acrylic for my final model, which will hopefully be bad ass.
Concert tonight with Jess.
Two things that bother me:
-When people in studio, stressed out from a lot of work, say things like, "I hate my life," or "Kill me now." I mean, I know it's in jest, but there are many who would gladly kill to be in the position of opportunity these kids, myself included, posses. Step outside of your situation, for crying out jebus...
-The common sensibility of our generation is very individualized (especially in the demographic of those whose parents can afford to supply them a college education); there is the expectation that one will end up finding a job doing whatever will satisfy one's own desires and interests, regardless of how this will affect the collective community. This seems to come in two common forms:
1)Working towards a degree that will help one achieve superior economic standing.
2)Working towards a degree that will give one a subjectively attractive job/career/lifestyle, based purely on one's most intense interests.
I'd say 2 is better than 1, but I feel like it's not enough.
The realization that money alone will not glean long-term happiness is good, but 2 still comes from the same objective of achieving individual 'success' (all that shifts is the definition). It would be naive and hypocritical of me to deny possessing these same impulses, but it seems more important to me to do something with my life that can improve the quality of life possessed by others, as well as myself. And this is not, by any means, an attempt to portray myself as selfless or anything of the sort; I just think my life, or anyone's life for that matter, would be more satisfying with the knowledge that the work was helping people.
So look. I realize that the above may come off as really judgmental and/or hypocritical, but it really just goes back to the first bothersome entity I listed, such that I wish more people would step outside of their situation, at least conceptually, and realize what a schism exists between themselves and the average person in the world.
And realize just how god damned lucky they are to have this many options.
All right, that's my rant.
Hope everyone is doing well.