wow my computer isn't a fucking piece of shit!

Aug 26, 2005 23:16

Well, it's been a while LJ world. But as you all know, I turned 17. Got my license, went out to dinner, and headed over to bowling. Had a good time. The next day, I went to the Franklin Institute with my dad and sister. Picked up Brooke, went to get school/camp supplies. Last Sunday was Blitz Day between the football players and cheerleaders. As ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

:) anonymous August 27 2005, 04:00:08 UTC
Shelly i've missed you soooo much, im soo glad we've been hanging out a LOT! more:D
and i love those pictures;)

Love Always<3


some_timesnj August 27 2005, 04:26:03 UTC
hey could have been the cookies tookay! not only the punch and bread! b.c those cookies were crazy!hahaha.oh and certis was a faggot.agreeeeeeeed


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