Survey, hurray!

Jul 14, 2005 14:15

I love these things. More survey fun. Trying to keep myself busy and my mind off other matters. 25 hours... and my fate will be decided.

1. What is your middle name? Margaret
2. What color underwear are you wearing now? Aqua
3. What are you listening to right now? My new Coldplay CD - Swallowed in the Sea
4. What are the last 2 digits in ur phone number? 75
5. What was the last thing you ate? a few Mexican Fiesta crispy minis
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? At the moment... probably a nice grassy green
7. How is the weather right now? Nice and sunny, perfect for a day off
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Ummm, probably... I don't know actually.
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Height (HA!), facial features
10. Favorite type of Food? Varies, depends on my mood. I really like Greek food, Mexican food, ice cream
11. Do you drink? On ocassion
12. Do you smoke? Just the occasional cigarello with Ady and Ally.
13. Ever get so drunk you dont remember what you did? Well, I was told about one night when I don't remember getting into my pajamas and going to bed, but Ally came by a while later and my light was on and my door was open and I was in my bed asleep. She closed the door and what not. But, I had gotten into my pajamas, but obviously stripped down with the door wide open without realizing it.
14. Hair color? Brown
15. Eye Color? Hazel
16. Do you wear contacts? Yes
17. Single? Yes
18. Favorite Month? September and August (my birthday!)
20. Last Movie you Watched? Chasing Liberty last night and (DON'T LAUGH!!) Spice World a little while ago
21. Last kiss? Nope... none
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out? At the moment yes, I guess it depends on what sort of contact I've had with the person
24. Hugs or Kisses? If it's chocolate, both. Otherwise, hugs. You can get hugs from anyone.
25. Chocolate or Vanilla? Indecisive
26. Favorite place? The Cliffs on a nice night. Anywhere in or around UBC really.
28. What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm not sure anymore. Working with kids hopefully.
29. What books are you reading? The English Patient (Michael Ondaatje) and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (J.K. Rowling) and One Hundred Years of Solitude (Marquez)
30. Piercings? 4, all in ears though.
31. Fav. Movie? Schindler's List, E.T., Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, Cast Away
32. Fav. baseball Team? Not a huge baseball fan.
33. Fav. American Idol? I'd have to say Kelly Clarkson. She was the first, and as far as I'm concerned, she was (or is) the best.
34. Any Pets? Cat and Dog, Cleopatra and Ebonie
35. AIM SN? never use it
36. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? Buttered, Salted and Sugared... tastes just like kettle corn, I swear!!
37. Dogs or cats? Dogs, definitely
38. Favorite Flower? Hibiscus, Gerbera Daisy
39. What do you do when you wake up in the A.M.? I turn off my alarm, get up, brush my teeth, brush my hair... the usual, y'know?
40. Do you still talk to your best friends from intermediate school? No, I moved elementary schools in grade 4, then I went to a different highschool than all my other elementary school friends.
41. What's on your desk? Here goes: lamp, Propy (my model of propane that looks like a dog), pen holder, printer, computer (duh?), random cords for my iPod and digital camera, post its, pens, iPod, iPod belt clip, iPod power adaptor, pencil crayons, UBC calendar, Harry Potter 3 DVD, elastics... just lots of CRAP really.
42. Rock Concert or symphony? I agree with Lara, depends on my mood.
43. Play or Opera? Play
44. Have you ever fired a gun? Water gun, yes.
45. Do you like to travel by plane? Immensely. I love airports and I love planes.
46. Right-handed or Left-handed? Right
48. How many pillows do you sleep with? One for my head, One body pillow underneath my other pillow, and two to prop my arm up on.
49. Are you missing someone? More than one person.

List 20 of your friends.
1. Lara
2. Ally
3. Silvey
4. Tamara
5. Giovanni
6. Adrienne
7. Layne
8. Laura R.
9. Christy
10. Alison
11. Ayako
12. Colleen
13. Elijah
14. Amy
15. Caitlin
16. Tine
17. Sandra
18. Catherine
19. Beth
20. Chris

Have you ever dated #12? No

Who’s #4’s best friend? Uhhh... could be Rachel Z.

What’s #16’s favorite food? I haven't seen her in AGES! But, we always ate lots of junk food when we were together.

What is #5’s most embarrassing moment? Hmmm, I'm not sure. Perhaps when he had to explain to his roommate that he wasn't actually peeing in a toilet, but that he was peeing on his (GIovanni's) clothes. Probably not so much embarassing, as filled with rage. I'll have to ask him.

Where is #20 going to college? uni actually...SFU

Does #2 annoy you? All the time, of course. She's ÜBER ANNOYING... Indeed. <3

Have you ever disliked #17? No, Sandra is so easy going and crazy, I think it's impossible to dislike her. Oh, except when she's drunk, she runs away from people. But, I wasn't really caring that night either though.

What’s #6’s best feature? She offers some excellent advice. She can make friends with nearly anyone. She has an AWESOME voice.

Where does #11 work? Lonsdale Quay I think... that's the scuttlebutt (sp?), but I haven't actually talked to her since we moved out. :(

Have you ever kissed #1? I love her, but no.

Have you seen #3 cry? No, but I know she wouldn't want me to. She's seen me cry though, more than once I believe.

Does #19 ever hit you? Haha, no. I don't think Beth is one of those violent sorts of people.

Is #9 attractive? Yes, I want her hair. She has such awesome curly hair. She hates it of course, though. And her teeth look so awesome since she got her braces off (I've only seen her once since!)

Would you date #18? Well, Catherine is a looker, but I'm not of that persuasion. But, I do want a boyfriend the height of hers! HAHA!

Does #14 think school is extremely important? I think she does.

Are #15 and #7 dating? HAHA! No, but they do know each other at least. I think that Mason may have a say in that though.

Has #13 ever liked #10? No. I don't know if they know each other, I think they do. I'll have to ask him...

What would you do if #8 moved far far away? I'd be sad. I was having kittens over the idea of her moving to Tec next year. I'd miss her too much. And I'd rarely see her if I didn't live in the same house as her.

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