Title: Your Hearts In A Headlock
Author: Rissa
Genre: Drama, Angst
Rating: PG-13
Characters for Chapter 3: Russia, America, Ukraine, Belarus, Canada, and England
Summary: Two Decades after the fall, Russia still feels alone. Driving home late on the eve of his sister's birthday he hits America. Russia soon finds out that he has taken something vital
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Comments 7
I loved England reaction the most I think, typical England x3
Yush! I love England dearly! <3
The ending has me curious. ~Very~ curious.
Update soon, please?
Yes, very curious! >:3
I will! I actually have been updating once a week. I was a day late this time because I had to finish a Can/Amer 1812 fic for a History exchange.
I like Canada's and England's reactions. So sweet! And yeah, England, totally saw that "MY ALFRED!" comment. Pffft. Also, so sweet that he liked England's cookies (I think they were England's?) And Belarus totally burning England about making 'real food' was hilarious. I had to stop for a minute and laugh. XD
I wonder if America didn't try and get hit by a car on purpose, and specifically by Russia. Should have said that last chapter, actually, but better late than never? But yeah, Russia, as integral as I think you're going to make him to Alfred's history, might be more involved in America's thoughts than we know of right now. If America knew what would happen when and if he did what he did, was it Russia who he wanted to find him? Did he actually know what he was doing? Or was it a bout of insanity?
So many questions! Buuuut, just have to wait for the next chapter! Great job on this; you've really got me looking forward to updates. :)
Lol. I do love Belarus so! <3 She's kick-ass! And yes, England baked those cookies. Hence why no one else touched them. X3
Oooo! I love people who try to figure out what's going on! >:3 Who knows, who knows....
I'm glad you enjoyed this! <333333 *hugs*
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And thank you so much! I get tired of her 'OMG! BROTHER! MARRY!' personality so I tried writing her as still that, just toned down A LOT. XD
Hmm....wait and see! X3
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