on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, i have Nothing To Do! when are you free, M&C? gossip/movies/babies/what is this greensprings photo shoot?/etc
just throwing this out there- if you took prepointe on fridays next year thennn for september through january i would be totally willing to give you both a ride there from school and then either to your house or back to school (if you wanted to catch the end/sochop of any football games) because a class i'm taking until winter break ends is at the exact same time as yours, so i will be driving in the same places anyway
and as a man who responds to over 17 nicknames i would like to agree (steven, steve, stogus, rogus, rogain, bob, peter, rouge, stog, stroganofe, stoger, srogus, BS, crazy, stephanie, pubes, dude, SDR, and any name said in a loud enough voice to merit my attention)
Comments 11
greensprings photo shoot is a thing that we thinged a while ago, don't worry about it.
BABIES. also, the cuppetts school year schedule is out WOO also gossip!
Ambiguity not so much.
this post is clearly not cryptic. thus.
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