Extraneous Memes

Apr 06, 2011 02:30

- Available: Nope
- Age: 25
- Annoyance: People misusing the term "literally."
- Allergic: some pollen and grasses and whatnot. Nothing unusual.
- Animal: I love kitty cats. I also love otters. One of these is considerably more suitable to have as a pet.
- Actor: David Tennant
- Actress: Audrey Hepburn

- Beer: I can't really think of my favorite kind of beer. Blue Moon is pretty good. So is Kilt Lifter. In general, anything that's not too wussy and lame, but not IPA bitter or stout dark.
- Birthday: January 6
- Best Friends/fantastic people: Sasha, Jonathan, Doryen, Izzy, Steve
- Body Part on opposite sex: Ummmm...I don't think I really have a specific body part I go for.
- Best feeling in the world: Falling in love.
- Blind or Deaf: Deaf. I'm not sure I could deal with never seeing what was around me. Plus, I already know a little sign language.
- Best weather: Cool, golden autumn afternoons (someplace where the leaves change). Or, if we're talking Arizona, the very start of a rainstorm in late summer.
- Been in Love: A few times.
- Been on stage?: Of course. Not for a little while though, sadly.
- Believe in yourself?: Mostly. I have my moments of self-doubt though, as everyone does. I don't always trust myself to make the right decisions.
- Believe in life on other planets: It would be an awful waste of space if there weren't.
- Believe in miracles: Meh.
- Believe in Magic: Meh.
- Believe in God: Nope.
- Believe in Satan: Nope.
- Believe in Santa: As a child.
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: Maybe. The jury's still out on that one.
- Believe in Evolution: Of course. And quite honestly, I probably wouldn't be able to be friends with you if you didn't.

- Car: 2000 Toyota.... Oh god, I can't remember if I have a Camry or a Corolla. This just goes to show you how much I care about cars. I think it's a Camry.
- Candy: Snickers bars.
- Color: Either Teal, or the shade of green that looks like sun coming through tree leaves on a summer afternoon.
- Cried in school: In college, during acting things. Also a couple times during a voice lesson, once because I was so frustrated, and the second because I was singing a song that reminded me of a recent breakup.
- Chocolate/Vanilla: I don't like regular chocolate ice cream. Dark chocolate ice cream is pretty good. Vanilla ice cream is really good at complementing other desserty things though.
- Chinese/Mexican: I'm assuming we're talking food here? Mexican, most definitely.
- Cake or pie: Pie!
- Countries to visit: So many. Italy, Greece, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Japan, Argentina, Peru. Then there are the countries I'd like to revisit, like England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Mexico, and Canada.

- Day or Night: Night.
- Dream vehicle: I don't think I have one. I guess if I did, it would be a classic Mini-Cooper, so I could do silly things like drive through the hallways of buildings (not that I actually would).
- Danced: Heck yes. Ballet, tap, jazz, modern, Irish, and Salsa. I fucking love dancing.
- Dance in the rain?: I dance all the time, especially for happy occasions like rain.
- Dance in the middle of the street?: I think I have at some point, although I would be wary of safety concerns.
- Do the splits?: I can still do right splits with a bit of stretching. With some intense stretching, I could probably do left. I've never been able to do center splits.

- Eggs: Over easy!
- Eyes: Brown.
- Everyone has: a brain. Use it.
- Ever failed a class?: Never officially. There were two classes that I was getting D's in that I withdrew from and retook later.

- First crush: The first crush that I just stared at dreamily from afar was Travis Kaahanui in elementary school. The first crush that actually ever went somewhere (my first kiss!) was Doryen.
- First thoughts waking up: Nothing terribly coherent.
- Food: Cheese enchiladas are my favorite thing in the world. However, I'm a big fan of food in general. If I'm feeling snooty, I might even dub myself a "foodie."

- Greatest Fear: Cancer.
- Giver or taker: I'd like to think both equally, but being completely honest with myself, probably a taker. At least at his point in my life, where I'm still reliant on support from my parents. Also, I can make some really selfish decisions sometimes. :-/
- Goals: Be happy! But more specifically- get my Masters, make a difference in children's lives, find love, get married, be a mom.
- Gum: Not usually, but when I do, either original bubblegum or spearmint.
- Get along with your parents?: Generally yes.
- Good luck charms: No.

- Hair Color: Brown.
- Height: 5'6"
- Happy: Mostly.
- Holidays: My absolute favorites are Halloween and Christmas.
- How do you want to die: Of old age in my sleep.
- Health freak?: Not really, although I know I should exercise and eat better.
- Hate: People who choose ignorance.

- Clothing Style: How is this an "I" question? Um, I don't really have a specific clothing style. I love the steampunk and lolita aesthetic, but they don't often make it into my everyday wardrobe. I also adore 50's inspired fashion.
- Characteristics: This is also not an "I" question. Quirky, happy... um, those are the two most consistent ones, I guess.
- Ice Cream: Either amaretto or peanut butter.
- Instrument: I sing! I used to play piano when I was younger, but my skills have greatly diminished.

- Jewelry: I wear a gold band with diamonds on my right ring finger pretty much all the time. It used to my my mom's wedding ring when she was married to my dad.

- Kids: I adore kids. I'd really like to be a mom someday.
- Kickboxing or karate: Neither really. I'd pick dance over both of those. However, if I had to pick between just those two, I'd say karate.
- Keep a diary?: There's LJ, but that's about it.

- Longest Car Ride: When I was 8 or so, my mom and my grandparents and I went on a road trip from Arizona to New York. It took up quite a bit of the summer, with multiple stops along the way. Good memories.
- Love: Green trees & grass. Autumn. Peach colored roses. Musical theatre. Dancing. Rain.
- Letter: I don't have a particular favorite letter.
- Laughed so hard you cried: With Sasha and Kati, over multiple things over the years. We're zany together. :)
- Love at first sight: Don't really believe in it. I think it's much more likely to realize that the thing you've been looking for has been there right in front of you for years.

- Milk flavor: Chocolate, I guess. There aren't really many options here, are there? Plain, chocolate, and strawberry. And only a weirdo would choose plain or strawberry over chocolate.
- Movie: Breakfast at Tiffany's. My favorite of all time.
- Mooned anyone?: No.
- Marriage: Someday hopefully!
- Motion sickness?: Only when I'm reading in the car.
- McD's or BK: McD's if it's breakfast time. Any other time I'd choose Burger King.

- Number of Siblings: Two half siblings, although we aren't close. I pretty much grew up an only child.
- Number of Piercings: Just in my ears. So two, if you count each separately.
- Number: 3 or 9.

- Overused Phrases: I say "awesome" a bit too much.
- One wish: To find true love. Cliche, but true.
- One phobia: Getting cancer.

- Place you'd like to live: Edinburgh, Seattle, or somewhere in New England.
- Pepsi/Coke: Coke usually. Sometimes Dr. Pepper.

- Quail: I dunno. Never had it.
- Questionnaires: No opinion, really. Depends on the context.

- Reason to cry: Being stressed out. I tend to cry when I get overly frustrated.
- Reality T.V.: Only good when it showcases something that requires actual talent. So You Think You Can Dance and Project Runway are amazing.
- Radio Station: NPR!
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: Yes.

- Song: "Our House" by Crosby Still Nash & Young, or "Chelsea Morning" by Joni Mitchell
- Shoe size: 8 1/2
- Sushi: I used to really love sushi. I have no idea what happened, but I'm not such a huge fan anymore.
- Skipped school: A couple times in high school, but mostly I was a goody goody. Considerably more in college. In fact, I had a plant biology class that I think I went to a total of 4 times or so.
- Slept outside: Not unless you count a tent as outside.
- Seen a dead body?: At the one open casket funeral I've been to.
- Smoked?: Nope. Well, I tried smoking pot a couple times, but it's never been enough to actually get me high.
- Skinny dipped?: Once in high school at a sleep over.
- Shower daily?: Generally. Sometimes if I'm busy it's every other day.
- Sing well?: Quite, if I do say so myself.
- In the shower?: Yup.
- Swear?: Yes.
- Stuffed Animals?: I used to have tons as a kid. I've pared down my collection considerably though, and just kept the ones that are important to me. My favorite was Huggy, a teddy bear that I've had since I was teeny tiny and slept with every night, but he is currently missing in action. :(
- Single/Group dates: Both can be fun. I tend to favor single dates though.
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries.
- Scientists need to invent: Teleportation.

- Time for bed: With my current schedule, fairly late. Usually between 2 and 3 am.
- Thunderstorms: Yes please.
- Touch your tongue to your nose?: No. I don't think I've ever met anyone who actually could.

- Unpredictable: Sadly, I'm not that spontaneous. I like planning things and knowing what's going to happen.
- Under the influence?: Socially, plus wine with dinner.
- Understanding?: I tend to be very understanding.

- Vegetable you hate: I generally like most vegetables. I'm not particularly fond of bell peppers, but I don't hate them.
- Vegetable you love: Green Beans, collard greens, spinach... just about anything that's green.
- Vacation spot: Edinburgh.

- Weakness: Not speaking up for myself and avoiding confrontation. Not being good at forming and expressing my opinions. Being too messy. Procrastinating.
- When you grow up: I wanna teach children! And get married! And have children! Overall, my goals would seem to be very domestic.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: I would say Sasha, but in some aspects, we're actually fairly different. So I guess I'll go with Doryen. We like most of the same things, and we tend to react to things similarly.
- Who makes you laugh the most: Sasha and Kati when we're together. :)
- Worst feeling: Heartbreak.
- Wanted to be a model?: Never.
- Where do we go when we die: I don't really know. I'd like to think it's something along the lines of what happens in His Dark Materials, where our energy is reincorporated into the greater universe.
- Worst weather: Hot, hot Arizona summers.
- Walk with a book on your head: Probably if I tried it. It's not something I do very often.

- X-Rays: Teeth of course, and my leg when I broke it in 7th grade.

-Year it is now: 2011.
-Yellow: Sun?

- Zoo animal: Otters.
- Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
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