It's also paying attention to the actions themselves. So your frames (including intentions) impact actions which impact results. So we can regulate both our intentions AND our outcomes while we can be punished for our actions AND our outcomes. Thus, actions becomes sort of a hinge point on that. Independent of intention (relatively) AND actions but happening between those two is some freedom of choice in action (which is where multitudes of intentions come into play because there can be conflicting intentions). Awareness precedes choice, choice impacts action, action impacts outcome.
Cultivating /validating/ as a choiceful result of intending to do good is definitely good, because what you're validating FOR is producing outcome in alignment with your intention. Does that make sense?
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Cultivating /validating/ as a choiceful result of intending to do good is definitely good, because what you're validating FOR is producing outcome in alignment with your intention. Does that make sense?
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