Title: Rooftop Rant
Pairing: Nishikido Ryo/Ueda Tatsuya
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own weird imagination :d
Warning: All the characters were totally opposite with the real character of these JE boys. And yes, Ryo is older than Tatsuya in this fiction. The content of this story can be disturbing to some, so feel free to stop reading if you don’t
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Comments 27
i want to know what happens next but somehow i felt sad knowing that there is only one chapter left.....
thanks for this update!!!!
yep, just one more chapter left ^__^
thanx for reading & commenting <3
i am really excited for the next chapter!!!!!
You updated!!!
And i did miss you, Ryo and Tat-chan!!! hehehehe.......
This chapter is so sad~~~~~
By the way, Hlovate's Rooftop Rant is a novel or story????
And what language is it????
I think i want to read it.............
Thank you for posting this!!!!!!
and it's in malay. i can give you the copy through email if you want ^___^
No thanks.
I rarely read things in Malay because i'm bad at my language........ :P
I never get A's on my Malay exam but somehow........
I got an A in my UPSR.........
Thanks for telling me
thanx for reading & commenting <3
It feels so sad for Ryo that he is away from Tatsuya.
Although I am sure Tatsuya is having a better life now being in the care of someone who loves him.
It was so amazing how some random rants at rooftop could led them into something beyond their expectation... They were actually found love... How sweet was that?!!
I demand a guy like ryo in this story to be my boyfriend right now!!
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