Title: Rooftop Rant
Pairing: Nishikido Ryo/Ueda Tatsuya
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own weird imagination :d
Warning: All the characters were totally opposite with the real character of these JE boys. And yes, Ryo is older than Tatsuya in this fiction. The content of this story can be disturbing to some, so feel free to stop reading if you don’t
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Comments 18
i reaalllyyy want to know what's bothering ryo, its bothering me too XD tatchan sound like a girlfriend being dragged by his frustrated boyfriend and ended up with his boyfriend's friend. that's too cute^^
jin and pi are a good friends. they really are, i hope tatchan will feel comfortable around them too. even though its a bit short *expecting for more-just ignore me*
but i love how the story flow, so smooth and not boring. thank you for updating!
it's actually the continuation of the last chapter, where things at home really bothered ryo a lot; getting scolded by his mother and everything :')
wahahahah, now that you said that i started to imagine how cute they were in that kind of situation. whaiiihh, i would really like to see it~ XD
yeah, i know. hahahh. but i assure you that the next chapter is goin to be longer than this yayyy XD
I can image how ryo drag Ueda...
totally cute~~
love it...
i really want it to be real LOL XD
I really want to see Ryo dragging Ueda as a puppy.
I'm really curious where this story goes. I can't wait for the next part.
thanx for reading & commenting~
But, still I can enjoyed reading it ^^ Thank you 4 updated~
sankyu~ <3
and tat-chan met ryo's best friends/childhood friends!
it's like "introducing your girlfriend" kind of situation tatsuya was in.why wouldn't he be when ryo clearly knows that tatsuya hates places where there are a lot of people, for short he hates meeting people, and he forcibly dragged him off to some place just to meet the people that has a special place in his heart!!!
great!just great!!!go ryo!the next thing you know you'll be unconsciously thinking alot about him!
i'm sooo excited in reading the next chapter!!!can;t wait to see the developments!!!^_^
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