I've decided to list pros and cons about re-joining the SCA and leave them here to cogitate about, probably edit and accept any feedback offered.
can be great fun
intellectually stimulating
get me to be more active
make new friends
get reaquainted with old friends
get to be around other people who like the same things I like (spinning, knitting, costuming, storytelling, roll play, history, etc.)
learn new skills
spend more time outdoors
at this time in my life I can play my own game (previously I got wrapped up in the ex's crap)
it's an expensive hobby
none of my garb fits anymore (well, almost none)
my NSDXBF still comes around (though that is likely to change if I show up very much, he's a coward)
since my current BF is not interested in playing, I would be compromising time with him
I have a tendancy to get over-involved.
I don't know that I want to give up any of my other hobbies to fit this in, although most of my current hobbies I started learning in the SCA
I only want to go to local events for now
Other details:
I have my name and device registered.
I have earned the low level service award in my barony and in my kingdom.
I have been member of two households, neither of which are active now.
I have some amends to make because of my unintended, unannounced departure from my office as baronial historian and to a lesser extent as deputy kingdom historian back in 2000.
My primary interest is in fiber arts, both teaching and learning
I have secondary interests in chronicler duties, group historian duties and period gaming.
One of my oldest friends here suggested that I can study all the things that interest me without involvement in the group. My reply was "what fun would that be?" Sharing these activities and learning together are the major draw for me.
Of course there are the ghosts in the closet. Being around old friends from the time period when I was with my ex will bring up some issues and he will be on my mind a little more for a little while. I would just have to be conscious of casting off that type of thinking as soon as I notice it.
I'm sure ther's more that I might consider, but that's enough for now.