hello richard, it's yamila. i don't have an lj, like the rest of the world, but i do check ljs frequently, and i happened to come across yours. i saw my name in it- a.) i thought it was funny that you thought you could make puns with my name, especially vegetables. are you just thinking of yam or do you have other ideas? b.) i didn't really mean to flip out at you that time when you questioned my half puerto-ricanness. i really wasnt that pissed, it just kinda annoys me when people assume that all puerto ricans are darker-skinned. so, for the record, i am half puerto rican, my father is from there. i'll tell you more about it any time you want. and one last thing. i think you are a very cool guy. we must hang out more often. this saturday, i might have a gathering at my house to celebrate no more SAT's, and you are more than welcome. talk to you soon! <3 yamila
Comments 5
and one last thing. i think you are a very cool guy. we must hang out more often. this saturday, i might have a gathering at my house to celebrate no more SAT's, and you are more than welcome. talk to you soon! <3 yamila
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