(no subject)

Mar 28, 2005 12:47

Last day of school before break. I got an A on both my chem and math tests-very surprising. My brother picked me up to drop off stuff for tie-dying in chemistry, and when I called my dad he said that my mom went to the doctor because she didn't feel good. When my brother and I were in the car, he told me she went to the hospital for some tests. When we got home she called us and talked to my brother; they were on the phone for awhile and when I asked him what was wrong he said he didnt know. It turns out nothing was wrong, but way to not tell me anything. So we got Lou Malnati's for dinner because no one had time to cook anything. Then Taylor called me and I went to her house. Ally, Vanessa, Kristin, Alexis, Michelle, Michelle, Laura, Sean, Eli, Kevin,and Colleen came too. We ordered pizza, Taylor and Eli went to rent Saw, and we watched that. Disturbing and scary movie.

Went shopping with my mom to try and find a new outfit for Easter and Confirmation. Found neither. After going to three different stores, we gave up and went home. Goodwin's came over. We ate. Looked at pictures of their new house in AZ. Went to sleep.

Went shopping again, this time with the whole family. My brother was forced to buy a suit for interviews/future deaths and weddings. My mom tried to get me to buy one too, but I'm not planning on having anyone die soon, and the only upcoming wedding will be in Florida where I can where a dress or something of that sort. Anyway, went to two more stores looking for something for me. I found a skirt, capris, and sandals, but nothing for Confirmation. Everything is either: a)see-through material b)spaghetti strap or halter c)low cut or d)all of the above. I found a skirt I liked, but when we went back the next day to get it, they didnt have it in my size. Rawr.

Went to church. Took the usual pictures. Came home and packed the car to bring my brother back to school. I decided to go to Tessa's with my mom. I probably should have gone to U of I to get some driving time in, but Tessa's party was fun. The lamb cake was staring at me when we were eating-it had creepy eyes. Anyway, Ellen showed up after we ate. We played with the skip-its. Then went to the park, armed with Tessa's new digital camera and mine and Ellen's as well. Took lots of pictures, then Tessa drove Ellen home. We went walking around trying to find some secret river, but it apparently disappeared. Oh well. Went back to her house. Ellen returned. We had more food. More Mario Party and Atmosphere. omg, I hadn't played Atmosphere in ages. I had to leave partway through though, which sucked.

Plans for rest of the week:
Party Tuesday, if I can go
Sleepover with Amy
Perhaps another movie night with the usuals?
More shopping
Otherwise I'm free. Call me.

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