WHO: Zexion, Larxene, Nise (Riku Replica)
WHAT: Tea, cucumber sandwiches, snacks, gleefully plotting Axel's untimely demise.
WHERE: Zexion's house
WHEN: 3:00 pm two days after Larxene snapped Zexion out of his OMGWTFBBQ (ie, two days after the blood appeared in the journals)
The sun was still high at three, and therefore all the shutters of Zexion's house were closed. Of course, the windows were also all open because it was swelteringly hot outside, and though the stone and brick construction of the house meant that it was cooler than it otherwise might have been it was still a bit too hot for Zexion's tastes. He hadn't bothered with either the usual garments of the area or his old black coat, instead opting for a simple sleeveless black shirt, loose black pants, and sandals. No reason to make himself warmer than he had to...
It was thus that he'd also gotten ice to make the tea iced rather than hot. The tea was very strong, straight black, though with overtones of lavender. He'd also prepared a collection of foods - cucumber sandwiches, mostly, and a plate of fruits (an assortment of mangos, papayas, strawberries, and raspberries, among other things.
He sat back in his chair and mused to himself in the darkness as he waited for his guests. As he sat, he began to practice, trying to shift his form further, changing his shape slowly. There was no true, physical change, it was all illusion and fancy, but it still took a great deal of effort to make others believe so completely that you were someone else that you trully appeared to be so.
He was still focusing on Axel's form. The hair first - red and fiery - then the eyes, acid green. The facial markings had been simple, but as it was he looked simply like himself with Axel's hair. Today, he focused on the shape of his face, the shape of his body, shifting it. He managed to get close, but not quite - a look would reveal certain differences which could easily be discerned by anyone truly familiar with Axel, but those unaquainted with the man would probably be unable to tell the difference. Unfortunately, he hadn't quite gotten the height down - Axel was much taller than he was, and while he'd always found it simple to make himself appear smaller, appearing larger had always seemed a difficult task.
Well, he'd be patient. He'd come this far. Soon, he'd be able to go as far as to replicate clothing. Soon...