Title: Overboard Rating: G Summary: Joe realizes something he's always known. Nikki-Note: Beta'd by bananahater336, who is too fantastic for words. Title, cut text, from "Overboard," Ingrid Michaelson.
This is sweet, concise and cuts to the heart of it all.
You need him because if he’s not with you, none of it’s worth it. You need him because without him you forget to breath, forget to make your heart beat, forget to care. You need him because you love him.
Comments 18
You need him because if he’s not with you, none of it’s worth it. You need him because without him you forget to breath, forget to make your heart beat, forget to care. You need him because you love him.
*contented sigh*
You make me a very happy Jovin-lover.
Thank you so much! I'm glad I make you happy. :)
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I like how you made it so where Kevin's trying to keep joe on track even though he is already on track.
is this a fic because if it is I want you to update soon please :D
Sorry to disappoint, but I primarily write one-shots.
And, it's as beautiful as it was the first time. <3
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