Title: In a Relationship
Rating: PG?
Summary: Tina is used to things not working out, but she's not quite prepared for this. Written from NVW RP.
Beta'd by Eva because she's a peach! :)
Tina is used to things not working out, but she’s not quite prepared for this. She logs into Facebook and there it is, staring her right in the face.
Mike Chang is in a relationship and it’s complicated with Matt Rutherford.
It’s the day after she broke up with him. The day after. And she knows, she gets it. She broke up with him. It’s not like she wanted him to mope around like she is and be sad and miss her.
Except that she had had second thoughts hardly an hour after she’d done it. Except that she realized that they could have gotten through all of their shit if she’d been willing to try and hadn’t just run away. Except that she knows she loves him and that this was really, really stupid.
And now her heart is in her throat and she’s trying not to cry and she kind of feels like throwing up because none of it had been real. She’s always been jealous of his relationship with Matt and how easy it seems. She wants a friend like that, someone with inside jokes and who wants to spend all weekend with her. Someone who seeks her attention and goes to her with problems and is just as eager to listen to her too.
But Matt wasn’t a friend. Even if nothing had happened with him while she was with Mike, it was still. Betrayal. He was thinking about someone else like that while he was with her. Even when he was hers… he wasn’t. Not really.
The next few days are kind of a blur. The only person who asks her if she’s okay is Artie. She tells him she’s fine, he drops it, and no one else seems to notice that she’s a little paler, the circles under her eyes are a little darker, and she’s wearing sweats everyday.
She just wants to forget. So she Facebooks the one person who won’t question her.
Text me sometime, Puck. We’ll hang out…
She doesn’t really intend for things to go as far as they go. Just a little making out, maybe a little drinking, and then home to cry in the shower. But one thing leads to another and suddenly she’s not wearing her shirt and she can’t make herself want to stop. Puck is sweet enough and he asks her if she’s sure and she nods but doesn’t say anything.
She doesn’t cry when she gets home. She doesn’t regret it. Mike is still her first but at least now he’s not her only. And Puck… Well, he’s not ideal, but he’s a good distraction.
But the distraction wears off pretty quickly and Puck’s tries for conversation are too weak to keep her attention and she’s back where she was. Alone, tired, and just… sad.
When Blaine introduces her to his brother, Nathaniel, she just sees a challenge. He’s older- much older- and he’s sexy and smart and she thinks he might be interested.
The first time they meet in person, they’re at a party. Tina’s in a bedroom with Puck but she finds an excuse to leave and goes to introduce herself. Not five minutes later she’s charmed herself into a bathroom with him. He’s too much of a gentleman to let her go further than kissing and she’s not sure how to feel about that, but he’s a really good kisser, so she makes do. She doesn’t say good-bye when the party ends and neither does he. That’s that, she thinks, finding her purse.
He’s the one who reaches out first.
Nice job on stage today... You looked absolutely stunning.
Tina sits at her desk and stares at the screen. She doesn’t really understand why he’s interested. She’s messed up and doesn’t talk much and she knows she hasn’t done her hair with as much care or even bothered putting on any eyeliner lately. And she can’t stop thinking- if Mike, high school Mike, with his nerdy habits and his inability to date without his mom present, didn’t really want her, why would Nathaniel?
Just a distraction, she thinks, and types out a reply. Don’t expect anything.
But two days later he’s looking for company and when she offers he seems genuinely happy. Tina’s surprised when he honestly just wants to talk. It’s off-putting and now she’s not really sure what he wants from her. He thanks her the next day and he’s sweet and she’s not sure how to react to the idea that he maybe actually likes her so she invites him over and plans to just sleep with him so he can get over whatever he’s thinking and she can stop hoping for something that won’t happen.
Still, he knows just the right things to say and how to say them and she can’t help but be a little bit smitten. But when he kisses her, she still thinks Mike. Mike. Mike.
The night Mike and Matt’s relationship is no longer complicated. They’re in a relationship and Tina is.
Tina is.
Tina is sitting on her desk chair with her knees pulled up to her chest. Just before it had popped up in her news feed, she’d been exchanging music videos with Nate, as she’s come to call him, all of which were decidedly flirty, but not really at all romantic.
She sighs and then sets her brow, determined.
The next video she sends is a cover of “Can’t Help Falling in Love with You.” When Nate responds with an equally romantic song and sounds really happy, Tina’s heart sinks a little bit. It’s not fair, but she can’t help herself.
The next night Tina tells Nate she loves him and he smiles and says it back.
When he kisses her, all she can think is