OKAY! It's been literally years since I've done fannish reccing or link collecting, but this afternoon
alouzon revealed to me that she too is a great big Wally West fangirl! EEEK OMG! ::DANCES:: So I decided to do one of my classic rec posts for her, comprised of quite a bit of the Wally fic that I spent my Sunday reading.
So here we have a fair amount of Batflash (Bruce/Wally because YAY!), a wee bit of gen & a few wildcard pairings. I have more, but I'm leaving out the porn, for some reason. (In the old days, I never would have done this! But if anyone wants, just ask!) & also, because I went through hell looking for JL/JLU/DCAU-verse icons, I've got links to some JLU icons that feature my bb speedster!
A Little Less Conversation by shankie (located at Dreamwidth), Wally/Diana, NC-17
I could have almost shipped Wally/Diana in the very early episodes of Justice League, so I had to include this, even though I'm more meh on Diana than when I was a little girl. But if Wally & Diana had ever gone on a date, I could see it as being a bit like this!
A Secret Admirer by shankie (located at Dreamwidth), Bruce/Wally, PG-13
I actually just read this one tonight & I wouldn't have included it since it was so new, but it's very sweet & I could definitely hear Wally's voice as I read it. I just wanted to hug him!
Permanent Vacation by
calico321, gen, G
I . . . I love this fic so.damn.much. It's post-Starcrossed & while short, I feel that it really captured Wally after Shayera's departure, just before the League expands past the original seven. It's a little tough to say anything about this one without giving up too much, so I'll say that I felt like it was a very plausible, grounded look at Wally in the aftermath of the final part of Starcrossed. I love it to little bits.
Movie Night at the Watchtower by
laceymcbain, preslash, Bruce/Wally, G
This is another ficlet I love so freaking much & just want to flail all over. Very preslash, very wonderful, & just . . . GAH! I love it so much. Also, it shows that Bruce isn't always a cold asshole without a heart & does so quite nicely in-character, I feel. I can't even open this to link it without needing to reread it, so . . .
Domesticity by
medie (::waves to her::), Wally/Kara, PG-13
Wildcard! & aww, Wally/Kara is kind of cute when you think about it . . .
Dreamsicle by
amarin_rose, Wally/Kara, G
More Wally/Kara! & secretly, my favourite of the two. Kara is extra adorable here & I just want to snuggle Wally all through this.
Date Night by
amejisuto, Bruce/Wally, PG
This time, Bruce does the wooing & it makes me go 'Awww' even more. (Also, extra points for Awesome!Alfred!) This is short, but also one of my favourites, I must say.
Fashion Police by
amarin_rose, John/Wally, PG-13
Okay, I admit it, I was a solid Green Lantern/Flash girl when I started out with the early episodes, so I have to have some John/Wally here! Also, WALLY NEEDS TO HAVE MORE LAUNDRY MISHAP FIC! 'cause it makes me giggle. & you know it would so happen to him. Silly Wally!
One Week by
travelincognito, Dick, Wally, Dick/Roy, PG-13
CRAAAAACK, OMG. ::giggles madly:: Crackfic involving the Teen Titans & Wally as Kid Flash! ::squees:: Though I don't know much about the Teen Titans, or about when Wally was Kid Flash, it's still the cutest thing ever. Wally - well, he's very Wally here & I just love it! Also, Roy Harper! I love Speedy, I do, even if he was a druggie later on. Whatever, Speedy's Arrowfamily. So I love him.
The Way He Loves / Nooner by
darkhavens, both Bruce/Wally, R & Nc-17 respectively.
Also, I really do love The Way He Loves for other reasons, though I haven't figured them out quite yet.
Vault at
teland (link gets you more Justice League fic), Wally, Diana, gen, unrated, but I'd say it's PG at the most, maybe not even that.
Another favourite of mine, despite its shortness. I sort of love how vulnerable Wally is in this & the friendship between him & Diana.
& a few fic-related links, though not so much fic themselves . . .
megan_moonlight's lovely
Bruce/Wally rec list, which was great in finding so much great fic!
merfilly apparently ran a
JLU fic challenge, which, of course features the rest of the team, but there's bound to be some Wally fic I didn't mention here.
memories section of
dcfic_index has an
entire section dedicated to JLU!Wally, which I still haven't gone through entirely, but plan to do so! Also, there's
the Bruce/Wally section, as well as the more
comicverse-centric Wally section. The whole memories section is actually a great place to look, since there's Clark/Wally, I know, probably more John/Wally, some Diana/Wally . . . yeah, go, go, look for yourself.
& icon links! I found most of my Wally icons by looking through
comicbook_icons & found a lot by
gabenut here,
here &
delectableoomph also has a few comicverse!Batflash icons right
& lastly, on the suggestion of
alouzon, a video! A video of Wally being awesome & making me cry, all in one go!
Click to view
*That was me attempting to save everyone's flist with the smallest embeddable vid I could resize it to. Um, hopefully it worked?
Edit: Because I just learned that One Week has two more crackalicious stories that follow it!
Another Week - this one is smutty & adorable, & also features Ollie being hilarious, as per usual. Aww, Ollie. ::beams::
Sick Week - I'm cheating & reading it now, but o, this series is so cute!