(I got stars in my beard & I feel real weird for you)

Sep 05, 2011 08:30

(one day, we're going to curb my tumblr obsession. today is not that day, however.)I had the strangest dreams while I was asleep. My father teaching a class of people I knew from art school, Florence Welch & her nonexistent husband giving me a lovely hat & me crying over her describing how she dances, & even some almost-indescribable Star Trek- ( Read more... )

she: sundaymondaygirl, she: real life, life: dreams

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Comments 2

nentari September 5 2011, 16:30:49 UTC
I know it's still a long time until you start your holiday, but I hope you have fun!


yourgravity September 28 2011, 03:44:53 UTC
Interesting dream. :) Sometimes the weird ones are the ones that leave the most lasting impressions!


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