EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE You're here! *snuggles* I've been a little distand from LJ of late because of the site's recent issues, but I'm SO GLAD I decided to check my flist today because this way I found this! ♥
Ooh school! AWESOME. :D And I'm looking forward to your next rewatch-a-thon.
(Dang, I no longer have an active Six icon, so here, have some Two!)
::RUNS TO YOU & GLOMPTWIRLS YOU, A LA LILY & JAMES:: I've missed you SO SO MUCH, you know! (I was even a bit scared that you wouldn't want to be my friend/have anything to do with me since I'm so ridiculously distant all the time. D:) ::flops down on your bed all schoolgirl-like:: I want to know evvvvvvvvverything that you've been up to, & of course, all about your RP, fics & Sims adventures!
Yes, I'm doing this school thing proper, I am! I admit, I am very scared about it (& keep having dreams about awful things from schooldays past), but, well, no turning back now, I suppose. ♥
I can't WAAAAAAAAIT to start the technicolour dreamcoat extravaganza 2011 (or 2012, but 2011 has a better ring, don't you think?)! Do you think I should start it next week, or wait until January?
O, I also forgot to mention, since I did The Two Doctors as part of the great&mightyy Troughton rewatch-athon, I won't be doing it this time, but I WILL be slotting in the Six & Jamie audio trilogy! (plus Night's Black Agents, of course.) What do you think of
( ... )
*GLOMPGLOMPGLOMP* Me, not wanting to be your friend? NEVER! Oh, things have been so-so with me. Still doing RP (I'll give you a proper update of what's been going on in Teddy Bear's life at the end of this, just in case it breaks the comment box), still job-hunting, still practicing on my artwork. I already received two early Christmas presents - Lis Sladen's autobiography and the BBC audio recon of The Daleks' Master PlanIt's okay to be scared, it's a big change and all, but try to picture it as an adventure (and picture Two geeking on about it! :D
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::SQUISHY BETSYBUNNY SNUGGLIES:: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I always worry about things like that when I come back, though I know I shouldn't - you're an absolute dear & wouldn't do something like that, after all! I'm just a very silly kitty like that. ^^ I'm so glad to hear that you're working on your artwork - how's that going, may I ask?
Oooo, you got lovely early Christmas pressies, you did - & WHAT'S THIS ABOUT ANY AUDIO RECON OF The Daleks' Master Plan?!
I suppose it is, but o, I do wish I could try to put aside all of those awful memories, if, for nothing else, my own (fragile as it is) sanity, but it's very hard to do so. :( (Why can't I have a Doctor around to give me Doctorly advice & a nose tweak when I need it
( ... )
Thankyou, dear! At the moment, I'm looking at something literature-related or perhaps psychology. But I'll definitely try to remember to keep my options open when I get there. ^___^
Comments 187
Love you, dear. :) *hugs*
Thanks, sweetie!
& as for my studies, I'm thinking something literature-related or possibly psychology, but I'll be keeping my options open, of course! ♥
Ooh school! AWESOME. :D And I'm looking forward to your next rewatch-a-thon.
(Dang, I no longer have an active Six icon, so here, have some Two!)
Yes, I'm doing this school thing proper, I am! I admit, I am very scared about it (& keep having dreams about awful things from schooldays past), but, well, no turning back now, I suppose. ♥
I can't WAAAAAAAAIT to start the technicolour dreamcoat extravaganza 2011 (or 2012, but 2011 has a better ring, don't you think?)! Do you think I should start it next week, or wait until January?
O, I also forgot to mention, since I did The Two Doctors as part of the great&mightyy Troughton rewatch-athon, I won't be doing it this time, but I WILL be slotting in the Six & Jamie audio trilogy! (plus Night's Black Agents, of course.) What do you think of ( ... )
Oooo, you got lovely early Christmas pressies, you did - & WHAT'S THIS ABOUT ANY AUDIO RECON OF The Daleks' Master Plan?!
I suppose it is, but o, I do wish I could try to put aside all of those awful memories, if, for nothing else, my own (fragile as it is) sanity, but it's very hard to do so. :( (Why can't I have a Doctor around to give me Doctorly advice & a nose tweak when I need it ( ... )
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