i know it may seem corny (only cause of the sorry man reference in the entry) but im sorry it does blow how people dont comment on the things that you want them too, and all that jazz. but its just because they dont know what to say and unfortunately thats what leads to the awkward silences that we all "so enjoy" but the silences on lj hurt more because they are there for a while, but no worries, everyone still cares they just dont know what to say.
so i was actually thinking aobut this recently. I joined livejournal (back when you had to hunt down someone with one of those ID things) I did it because it seemed like there was this big community i was missing out on. Well were the heck did that community go? its jut not as great when i post stuff and it seems like im the only one who read it... of course i rarely comment on other peoples journals so maybe im just being greedy and hypocritical. meh whatever.
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