I realized while I was talking to Ingrid that I post all my photos to myspace and only some to LJ, so here's some photos for those who don't do myspace and still like to stroke my ego when they look at my fantastic photography. Heh.
First, these are some headshots/portrait work I did with Crystal last week. I'm still in the process of cleaning these up a little, like for instance some of them need to be focused at the eyes which is something that I can do in photoshop, I just haven't had/made the time yet (get off my back already, I got these back yesterday, gawd!)
Those were all taken with my 35mm, a lovely slr camera I've had for a good 11 years now and use like... once every six months. Also I took them in a bedroom in the basement next to a window, the light was bad. I used a few mats from work as backgrounds... I've had to chop out the edges where you could see the wall or the desk, hehe... very amature work, but I think they came out alright.
These are the holga pictures... many of them people have seen, surely.
-inside a drain, red flash
-double, tripple, quadruple(?) exposure, total accident
-the infamous "Justin as Abe Lincoln" picture
-pink elephant, often found wild in the arcade in Manitou
-Justin, the day of the horrible eye incident
-Jon is such a lamphead
-down the stairs of an abandoned building we broke into
-my foot, my bike...
-the first cautionary peacock
-a garage full of penguins
-hell carousell
-four exposures of Katie
-on a hike at red rocks
-also at red rocks, on the roof of a building, overtaken by the hill
-Justin Squints... I like it when he squints
-go to church... if only for the art
-13 cautionary peacocks
-Johnny in a green haze (used a split filter and a yellow flash)
-Jon in a blue light (blue flash? I honestly am pretty sure I used a white flash, shot from the table, no aiming, just guessing... hehe.)