If it's not one thing ...

Jul 23, 2013 21:39

It's another.

My air conditioner died sometime today.  It was fine when I left for work and when I got home at 6:00 the interior fan was desperately trying to cool the house from 72 to 69 and failing.  It is now 79.  Downstairs.

I called dad around 8:30 to get ideas about what the problem could be, then made a phone call to arrange for someone to fix the damn thing.  Sadly, my appointment isn't until Thursday 7/25 after I get home from work.  That someone ISN'T the company who installed the unit in the first place (and did a good job at what seemed to be a reasonable cost at the time) then ripped me off horribly for a warranty repair three years later.  The only reason I didn't get them on the line to say a few choice things was a lack of paperwork immediately to hand to figure out who they were.

After making the aforementioned appointment, and at the suggestion of the very nice appointment lady who thinks they might be able to work with me once they know the history and warranty information, I managed to locate the paperwork.[1]  Let's hear it for being a pack-rat about repair receipts.  Unfortunately, I think I'm out of warranty by a matter of days.  But I have the paperwork, and that has to count for something.  Nor did I hurt myself getting to it, which certainly does.
Now I am going get a fan set up, get all the loose papers off the bed, take a cold shower, and hope I can get some sleep tonight.

6:17 am:  According to the thermostat, it's still 79 in here, which shouldn't be possible since I had all the upstairs windows open all night and and a fan blowing semi-cool air in from the spare room.  Something else ain't right it seems.  I'll see what happens today and move on from there, since that's all I really can do at this point.  {sigh}

[1]  It was in a box.  In the bedroom.  Behind a set of shelves.  All stuff that came out of the spare room.  So actually where it was expected to be, just not where it was supposed to be.  IE:  in the file cabinet in a folder labeled "Home Stuff".  It's in there now.

home repair

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