Many thanks to arwensouth for delivering the carpet samples back to the shop and signing for my choices. The gentleman who has been working with me on this part called around 2:30 to tell me that there was indeed a production date attached to the carpet I wanted (ie: it's not in stock.) That production date? This weekend.
I have scheduled the carpet installers to come on Tuesday, June 16th. The general contractor will be coming slightly earlier that same day to move all my furniture out into my garage so the carpet can be laid with a minimum of fuss and bother. Depending on whether they have to clue the tack strips down or not will depend on whether it takes one or two days to carpet everything.
This means I need to paint the week I come back from Connecticut if I'm going to try to do it before paint magnets come into the house.
Somewhere along in here I also get to find out if I get a new bathroom cabinet or not, since there really is water damage to the old one. And they'll be pulling up the toilet to install a new wax ring (if they haven't done so already) since the water came up from the pipes not from the throne itself.
I spent much of this evening packing more things away and toting them upstairs. All that's left to do now is to empty the bathroom cabinet, should that become necessary, and move everything off the stairs and landing before C-day (carpet day.) I figure when the time comes for the breakfront to be moved, the full drawers can simply be removed and either replaced while the thing lives in the garage or moved upstairs until it comes back inside.
For those who are interested, this is what the progression looks liked:
Sunday, 05/24/09
Sunday, 05/24/09
Monday, 05/25/09
Wednesday, 06/03/09
Wednesday 06/03/09