Title: Better than Moonshine
Genre: Jared/Jensen AU
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 33,000
Summary: After publishing a few dime store paperbacks and one novel that scored decent critical success, Jensen's in a bit of a rut. He's got an editor breathing down his neck, an overdue novel that needs to be written, and a weeklong workshop to lead on beating writer's block. To top it off, he has a vicarious one-night stand, and now the guy keeps showing up all over the place. It turns out that a little petty larceny, a car crash, and possible blackmail--all in the name of fun--might be exactly what he needs to kick-start his writing again.
ahhlee_spn 's lovely art post
Part 1 ::
Part 2 ::
Part 3 ::
Part 4 ::
Epilogue Notes ::
pdf :: .
mobi :: .