Title: Mercy
Genre: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1900
Notes: Warnings for serial killing and sibling incest. Written for
salt_burn_porn and
juice817's prompt and do no harm. Huge, huge thanks for
blackrabbit42 for having my back on this one.
Summary: There's nothing Jensen wouldn't do for his brother.
Mercy )
Comments 13
THEN LINES LIKE THIS: There's no cure that won't leave Jared a phantom of the person he is now, that won't make it so that Jensen can only see him during visiting hours once a week. A room without Jared in it isn't a room where Jensen wants to be, and if that makes Jensen as sick as his brother, so be it. ( ... )
Jensen's always going to be able to carry him
making noises like he's talking in his sleep
And dear lord, Jared licking Jensen's bellybutton.
<3 <3 <3
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