So yeah I'm on the Detroit Roller Derby and my first practice is monday... I'm looking at the national roster and I cant think up a name (Lucas, GenaCide is taken as Jenacide). I wanted Valkyrie Vex or something along those lines, but Val Kyrie is taken. so bummed. HELP. I need a name. here's the roster that way (if you want to name me.. if not I
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Comments 18
Two names starting with the same letter. (a Marvel staple)
Reference to a goddess of war.
A silly pun. (Thanks for that idead TIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Good luck breaking the bones of other young maidens.
PS. If you don't call me sooooon, I'll make sure your legs are so broken and battered they won't hold you up on that rink.
It's kind of goofy and doesn't really fit the Derby... but I love it.
Tit Smasher
I'll Take My Rollerskate Off And Kill You With It
FacePunch McGee
Ass Rapist
gena sorry im not creative.
Genapocalypse? Genapocalypse Now? (Eh? I dig that one.)
Genaggravated Assault? (OK not that one. Too funny not to type though.)
Hammer Harrison? (That's the closest thing to a Motorhead reference I could come up with since "Asa Spades" was taken.)
Genetration? (Haha sorry. I'm sure this is no better than "Va-Gena")
Your name is tricky. How 'bout Irma Geddon?
A delicious slice of Honeydew Felon
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