I'm going to apologize in advance b/c I may be using jargon you're not familiar with and I'm really too lazy right now to post links and stuff..... I'm sure it's all pretty easily google-able but if it's not, just post a comment and I'll be happy to explain shit
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I read an article on slash-dot today concerning the open source concept and extending it beyond the production of computer code. The author writes about the possibility of open source improving other closed-door processes, such as academic peer review and government processes
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Shit man... Back to the Future Part II predicted we'd see flying cars all over the place by 2015. I don't know how accurate that prediction is, but it's beginning to look like The technology is certainly in place. I mean, it's no delaurian, but still... Score 1 for Robert Zemeckis.
Zero Cool, Acid Burn, Phantom Phreak, Cereal Killer, Lord Nicon...... your time is up, bitches. The US military has assembled the "most formidable hacker posse. Ever." This will be a powerful component in the war on terror. Furthermore, judging by how Jihad is suspected to utilize the internet (and here), I suppose that the government will be
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Clicky clickyThis is by far the most lethal Marburg Outbreak in history. In fact, its lethality, normally much less than its cousin ebola, is on par with the worst ebola outbreaks ever. Furthermore, for some strange reason, this out break seems to primarily target children
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So yesterday, after two weather-related cancellations of matches, we finally kicked off our rugby season against New Haven Old Blue. We have a lot of new guys on the team, and it was a sloppy match, but we ended up winning 16-0
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