
Jul 05, 2005 21:07

Well I am really trying to not focus on guys but I mean. It's hard not to like... see the guy you like and not flirt. Or just be yourself. Except around.. umm... well you get it. But anyways. I am trying and I am gunna have to just try harder next time. urg ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

kooki_em101 July 6 2005, 15:26:13 UTC
TELL ME! Call me ok? tty soon!!!


rk_cola0907 July 6 2005, 18:24:41 UTC
umm... well... yeah... maybe... uhh... later


kooki_em101 July 6 2005, 18:35:08 UTC

lmao ok but u have HAVE to tell me soon!


rk_cola0907 July 6 2005, 20:07:28 UTC
lmao. i always type like that... i try to stop... its nopt workinf. lol. but i do it on purpose


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