HOW DARE YOU USE MR. HAYNES' NAME IN VAIN!atomic_suntanJuly 17 2006, 23:45:57 UTC
I cant believe that people let someone as stupid as you live. And I love how you still haven't grown any balls and are still hiding behide anonymousity. Although you probably are to ignorant to know what that meant. I hope that you drown in a pool of your own vomit after you overdose on those pathetic delusional pill that you must take because no one on God's green earth could possibly call Mr. Haynes dumb. Even though you think that you are safe from accually retalation because you're anonyomous, Mr. Haynes, knower of all things, knows who you are and will probably kill you in your sleep tonight. I can only pray that he does.
If you go to settings, you can disable anonymous comments...I think. I think there is something that you can choose that allows only logged-on people comment.
You better be glad you posted anonymously because if I knew who you were I would cut out your tongue for speaking about the best teacher that there is that way. And you are just jealous that Katie is brilliant and made a 5 and you can't even spell the subject right.
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