PI LOG: Centaur Park -- Jen, Rogue and Remy

May 03, 2005 17:40

Gambit and Rogue take a walk through the park in an attempt to be a normal, every-day couple. This, of course, results in them coming across Beacon Harbor's own centauress.

A storm has passed through town not long ago, and though the sky remains cloudy and the weather cool and windy, the rain has let up for the time being. Of course, the ground has had no chance to dry out, so the sounds of large hooves falling are less of their usual thumping and more of a soft squelching as Jen ambles through the park. This is a good time for her to be out, since the crowds are mostly away from the park, with the uncertain weather. The few people she's seen so far have been those dedicated to their exercise routines and with whoms he's exchanged polite greetings as they've gone their seperate ways.

Rogue is not so much a jogger. It's that mutant metabolism, or maybe she's just active enough on a daily basis that it doesn't much matter. Whatever she gets it from, she's not out in the park today on a quest for thinner thighs - she's just taking advantage of the break in the bad weather, not to mention an afternoon off, and it looks as though she's corralled her boyfriend into a rare bit of normalcy. A walk in the park, even.

The squishing of hoofbeats on the wet ground doesn't attract any particular notice, not when there are bridle paths and a stables open to the public. When Jen actually comes into view, though - that's worth a second look. And a third take as she realizes the woman's face is familiar. "...nice hair," she drawls after a moment's pause.

He's even holding her hand; for the moment it's like they're a real, honest to God couple. It's probably more than enough to speak on the change in Rogue's perspective on Remy since the last time--eons ago, it seems--that the Cajun encountered Jen. Gambit doesn't offer much in the way of a greeting, other than a faintly sheepish smile and to lift his free hand to wiggle its fingers at the centauress.

Jen looks over at the couple as their paths begin to converge, and then does a double take as she recognizes the both of them. A smile of recognition turns sheepish as well at Rogue's observation about her hair. She runs a hand through it absently, as if she can hide the streak. "Uhm, yeah. That's not me trying to copy you, I promise. I think it's my 'mane' trying to match my fetlocks," she says with a grimace.

Rogue grins amiably. "Don't worry 'bout it, sugah," she says, "it looks good on you. Ah gotta say, though, you're lookin' a lot taller than th'last time we met." Which was... quite a while back now, really.

Quite a while back and quite a different mindset. Remy grins quite as if he can't remember that mindset, his eyes narrowed with amusement. "Ain't like she's got a patent on de hairstyle, so I wouldn' worry too much." Besides, he's pretty sure he can tell the women apart from the fact that Rogue doesn't have a tail or four legs.

Jen returns Rogue's grin, partly in relief, and partly because she likes the other woman, and she also favors Remy with a grin, grateful for his words. "It definitely adds something to my look." Her tail gives an idle swish, underscoring that zhe doesn't exactly need much added to her look. "And, yeah, this is what passes for normal for me, these days. I can still turn human, but this is I what I turn back to eventually."

"Uh-huh," is Rogue's slow response, and she considers Jen's horsebody with a certain interest. "Mind f'Ah ask how *that* came about? 'Cause, y'know, Ah'm used t'seein' folks go through all kind of changes, but this is a new one on me."

Remy squints his eyes a little, head tilted in thought. "T'ink mebbe it was what Piotr keeps callin' de Mont' of Madness. Happened righ' b'fore I touched down on dis side of de portal, so was a while b'fore you showed up. 'Parently dere was some crazy wizard turnin' people into t'ings dey ain't. Petey got turned to a knight an' it really messed wit' his head, as I understand." Bright eyes flicker to Jen for verification.

Jen nods a confirmation to Remy's surmise. "That's when it was. I saw people get turned into unicorns, fairies, all kinds of wierd stuff. Me, I got turned into this. After a while, most people started changing back, and I bet the football player turned Tinkerbell appreciated that. Me, though, I only got changed back partially. I can change between this and normal, but I gotta spend more time like this than as a human." She shrugs fatalistically. "At least I'm not stuck like this all the time. And at least nobody screwed around with my mind. Dunno what I'd be like, then."

Understanding brightens Rogue's expression a little. "Ah, yeah, Ah've heard a bit about that. You're soundin' pretty philosophical 'bout th'whole thing - must be kinda rough on you, havin' an extra set of legs an' all."

"Or it coul' be pretty handy. Never gotta pay for taxi fare." Remy says, with a nonchalant ease, gesturing with one hand carelessly.

Jen gives another shrug and a bit of a grimace. "I've been this way long enough to be past the disbelief stages. It looks like I'm pretty well stuck like this, so I gotta either live with it, or die trying." She glances down at the aforementioned legs. "Learning to walk like this, that was a bitch. And yeah, means I can get around town on my own okay, though if I gotta be like this when I go shopping, well I gotta pick some place that doesn't have narrow aisles. I've lost track of how many things I've knocked over with this ass of mine."

Rogue hastily smothers a giggle. "Yeah, Ah can imagine. But sounds like you're dealin' pretty well. Ah've known folks who never did get 'round t'copin' anywhere near as good." Like, oh, herself, but she won't mention that part.

Gambit looks like he might be about to make some sort of comment about Rogue's ass relative to Jen's--but Remy apparently decides that the risk of pummelling from Kree genes and big horse feet is not worth it. Instead, the Cajun grins at Rogue, ignoring the implications of her words. "Yeah, well, we known some folk who ain't 'xactly easygoin' *or* stable."

Jen grins easily at Rogue's smothered giggle. "I'm dealing okay -now-. Wasn't quite as philosophical about it early on. But like I said, could be a lot worse." Fortunately, she's blissfully ignorant of some ways it could be worse. Like not being able to touch people. She then favors Remy with a not quite amused look. "Stable? That supposed to be a horse pun?"

Rogue's grin takes on a bit of a wry cast. "Unfortunately, he ain't exaggeratin'. Ah guess you know how people can be sometimes, even without weirdass powers an' freaky changes an' whatnot. Nice t'see someone makin' a decent showin' of 'normal,' y'know what Ah mean?"

"Non," Remy says, perking an eyebrow at Jen. Sensitive much. "I mean dey sorta go off de deep end concernin' sanity." He lifts a hand to waggle it back-and-forth through the air and then indicate a drop off. "'Dough if you wan' a horse pun I coul' come up wit' somet'in' in a pinch." Broad, shit-eating grin here.

Jen nods to Rogue, then gives a slight shrug. "Enh, normal's pretty relative in this place. I mean, you fly. I got hooves. I'm friends with a phoenix and a girl that can change coal to diamond. That said, I do know where you're coming from. And believe me, I've seen the unstable sorts. I'm a paramedic, that means I gotta clean up after it sometimes." She purses her lips at Remy, but good naturedly, not sourly. "Tell y'what, don't make any horse puns, and I won't accidentally step on your toes," she quips.

Rogue nudges Remy gently in the ribs with an elbow. "You behave yourself, LeBeau," she chides, not without affection, and confides to Jen, "Boy's a glutton for punishment. So what're you up to, sugah? S'been ages since we two ran into each other, an' that wasn't th'best of circumstances."

Remy looks down at his steel-toed boots, and then at Jen's hooves, and back at his boots. And then he 'oofs' quietly as Rogue elbows him in the side like he is a misbehaving child. "Sounds like a deal," He says finally, lifting a grin to the centauress.

Jen grins at the teasing between the two, and then gives Remy a grateful nod of agreement. "Right now, notta whole lot. Just wanted to get out,s tretch my legs a bit. All four of 'em," she jokes. "Other than that, been pretty quiet for me, which is a good thing." Well, quiet except for that whole pregnant demoness thing.

"Yeah," Rogue agrees on a laugh, "Ah know what y'mean. Ah feel kinda bad 'bout not lookin' you up. Things were pretty crazy 'round th'time you an' Ah met, but it's been calmer lately. Which prob'ly means we're 'bout due for somethin' t'blow up."

It's like invoking something, and Remy glances to Rogue with slightly wide eyes. "Don' say t'ings like dat, chere, you bring down some new sorta invasion on our heads. We oughta jus' enjoy de chance to relax a l'il for a while."

Jen shrugs it off easily. "Don't worry about it. Things were not good for you then. Absolutely no big deal. If you wanna hook up sometime now that things are better though, that'd be great. And an invasion might not be so bad, compared to the demons or the zombies." She looks skyward. "I don't mean that," she says to the Fates. "Just a joke, I swear."

Rogue can't help but laugh. "All right, all right, Ah'm sorry," she says, waving her free hand. "Anyway, we oughta go out sometime an' have some fun while it lasts." It's as much directed at Remy as at Jen, and vice versa.

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