How many elephants can you fit into a car?

Sep 03, 2004 19:49

stuff it, I just lost my post :(:(:(: (
Anyway, I have noticed that the forum is SOOOOOOOOO Boring right now, I know it's because I'm not interacting with it at the moment, but to be honest I don't really miss it, one day I might stop logging on automatcally (which will be interesting).
I've just figured out what happens when you hit 'use rich text' ROFLMAO took me long enough.
Ohh look a differnt colour how exciting lololol.
Need to go out first thing tomorrow and buy a life, how much are they going for now a days? hopefully £1002 or less!!! that's right, got my compensation through today, and seeing as I was expecting £800 or so a grand is very welcome, now all I have to do is get my car de-dented (I so hoped that the last time I had a car de-dented would be the last time I used that word, but no)
The answer to my question is four, two in the back and two in the front :o sorry it's bad, you could all see it coming lol.
Need to chat away here because I have no MSN so no talking to people for awhile until it gets fixed (really? duh beck)
What else has happened in my life? Other than Rich calling me Babe today and getting a rasied eyebrow about it form my boss not a lot, Rich is lovely, but work people are not to be toyed with.
Another BT engineer showed up today, but yet again we were too slow to capture him, next time I set some sort of ellaborate trap that will only work after they leave and I jump up and down on it repeatedly (oh no wait, that's Wyle E Cyotes life isn't it?)
Hey maybe I'll put this ramble behind a cut (gets excited) or maybe I'll lose it all forever? who can tell, if I lose it then I'll be saving the from headbutting the screen repeatidly or however it is spelt.

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