I already made a disclaimer in the first part. But this is basically the breakdown as I see it. One thing I would add. PLEASE don't take my word for it any more than the candidates' Research this stuff and make an informed vote.
So here we are again. This is basically the short and sweet of it. It isn't all inclusive by any means (I've missed a few things even as obssessed with this year's campaign as I've been). But let's not digress...
Edwards "I know how you all feel because my dad worked for a living! I didn't but he did...Feel the love!"
I was mildly impressed with Edwards when he was running under Kerry. I had said that had the Dems had Edwards as the main candidate that the decision might be harder to make. Well. Here he is. Now he has what? Six years of experience and some big, big plans. And probably a snowball's chance as the saying goes.
Non Issues
Kerry Support : I wasn't that impressed with Kerry so is it really a big deal that he isn't supporting Edwards? He doesn't think Edwards will win so he isn't lending his support to his campaign. Them's politics.
Spoiler : Reminescent of Ron Paul for the Republicans, Edwards is what you might call a "spoiler". He is a person who has not, so far, garnered a lot of votes but has taken votes from the other candidates.
Lobbyest : I had to admire the speech and the way he wants to take on lobbyest and remove them from the White House. A big dream that isn't likely to happen even should he make it to the oval office BUT is admirable in the intention. Removing special interest groups is necessary to create a more fair congress.
President or Vice President? In the NH Primaries, it almost seemed like Edwards was speaking for Obama. Not only defending him against Clinton attacks but also firing back on Obama's behalf. Is he gearing up for Vice President?
Thompson "I'm going to the White House to Kick Ass and Chew Bubble Gum and I'm fresh outa bubble gum!"
Fred Thompson comes off a bit grouchy, which considering his age he's earned I suppose. He came to SC well equipped with voting records as his ammo. He is the most confident in his own record but at the same time tends towards the extreme conservative attitude perhas to a fault.
I honestly haven't heard a lot of issues aimed at him other than some claims that he's "too extreme" when it comes to borders and illegal immigration. He is very narrow minded on this issue because "the law is the law" it seems. I can't say that obeying the law is bad and I don't have much sympathy for those who break the law even if it is to make a better life for themselves.
Abortion : Thompson is Pro-Life. He has voted very conserevatively on the issues of abortion even against human cloning and especially against partial birth abortions. This is either good or bad to you.
Civil Rights : Not so much. Thompson has prioritized civil rights very far down by voting against restrictions on wire tapping, adding sexual orientation to hate crime definitions, and setting aside 10% of the "road funds" for minorities and women organizations. He did vote against suspending funding for these groups as well and voted against same sex marriage.
Crime : He is strongly conservative on this matter something I also feel strongly about. He voted for limiting appeals, for limiting class action lawsuits, and was for repealing federal speed limits. He has said that reducing suing could go a long way to helping the economy overall.
Shell : Thompson really did seem to be in a shell in the first two debates and came out for the SC debate. Maybe he took longer to polish his campaign than the others or maybe he really didn't see Iowa and NH as important states. Either way, it has placed him behind a little.
Ron Paul "If I get turned down by the Republicans I'll just go Independant like I am anyhow!"
I'm not sure what to make of him. I have a friend that calls him the "Crazy Old Man" and that fits but I would add, after the SC debate "The Senile Crazy Old Man". Do we really need senility in the Big Seat?
Things (Well he's so confusing that's all I can say)
Who Are You Attacking? This is where senility comes into play. He went off on "people wanting to start World War III" at the SC debate and the newsman asking the questions even lost a little control and asked point blank "Everyone agreed with the Commanders of the ships decision in not attacking the speedboats. So who are you arguing with???" The guy is a bit over the top and a little out of it I would say. He begged off by saying he couldn't hear anything else that had been said.
Abolish Taxes : This is hard to argue with. He's for an across the board sales tax, getting rid of your income tax. This would cut out some of the IRS and make life a bit easier. But can he make it happen?
Troops Home : A very liberal stance. He not only wants to bring Iraq troops home but he wants to pull them home from everywhere. I'm not sure where he is going with this. The simple, cold truth is that we have interests in other countries and we can't really protect those interests with politicians. He did make a good point about us selling weapons to people who will probably be our enemies down the line...not a good compromise really. Not the first time we've done it either...
Economy : He believes we are in a recession now, not heading for one and that the home market is actually in a depression. The answer is not to devy out lower interest rates because that only slows down the inevitable. Again, a good point and his answer seems to be the ambiguous "cut spending".
Overall not a bad candidate though I was really put off by the senile moment. And I'd love to see someone like a Perot get in and get us further away from the Coke and Pepsi parties. But I'm not sure he will make it. And if he does, I'm not sure he will be able to keep his wits about him long enough to make things happen.
Giuliani "I've actually made it happen. All you bill pushers just don't know what I've been through..."
I have a bit of respect for the man. Sometimes it is grudging respect but I can't help it. Part of it is the fact that I heard his name quite a bit while in New York. He was credited for cleaning up a lot of the area. And to a certain degree he is right. The Senators pass the bills but a Mayor has to make it work. He has had certain issues come up that he basically passed the buck to the Senate on.
A "Fake" Commander and Chef : He got notoriety after 9/11 on the backs of the real heroes? Please. The man had to think as fast as everyone else to handle the issues and it was a blind sided situation. I find it interesting that its none of the actual emergency workers saying this. One of the more outrageous claim I've heard.
A Closet Liberal : This stems from the fact that both McCain and Giuliani admit that there are temperature changes happening and that it is possible that the government has to get more actively involved to reverse the adverse effects. I kind of agree that it flies in the face of what most Reps and Cons have been saying for years "There is no problem". But I actually admire folks who are willing to cross party lines on issues and say "Maybe we were wrong."
Abortion : Giuliani's voting record does lean towards the liberal side on this issue with some common sense votes that even the most liberal Dem should have noticed was not too good. This is another stumbling block that is coming back to haunt him.
Crime : Giuliani is credited for a lot of the work to reduce crime in NY. Maybe Florida could use him?
Taxes : "I don't like taxes and I don't know how to make that any clearer" in answer to Gore's proposed "carbon tax". He did reduce taxes in NY quite a bit, enought o offset the few times the senate directed him to raise taxes.
Petrolium : He has voted for exploring the AMWR area as long as a "nature sensitive" arrangement can be made. He has argued against the Clinton administration's refusal to free up petrolium reserves.
Civil Rights : Though he was rumored to be "pro gay-marriage" this is not really the case. He believes marriage is sacred and should be between a man and a woman. He did vote for "domestic partnership" which is more contractual.
Basic Morals : Giuliani has fought to pull fiunding from "art institutions" that depict such beauties as a dung covered Virgin Marry and a urine covered cross. Stating that this "outrageous and disgusting" display is not art. This is not one of my top issues but I agree that I would rather spend my tax money on something important not in lifting up these "artists".
That's about it. Romney I can't really comment on aside from him not seeming to get fair facetime. And this is one more thing I mean about the media. He hasn't been a favorite so they kind of gloss over him. Makes it hard to see what he is all about. He doesn't stray far from the other Reps. But one very funny quote from him is "I wonder if Dr. Paul hasn't been watching too many of Achmed the Dead's press releases..."
A few more clear ups just from my observation.
"The Republicans seem to do a lot of in-fighting. I haven't seen a lot of that in the Democratic debates."
WHAT?? What debate was this guy watching? Richardson commented between Obama and Clinton "I've seen hostage negotiations that were more civil than this." Probably why he is out of the running but a good point nonetheless.
"Why do people pick on Senator Clinton because she cried? It just shows that she's human."
No. It shows that she is calculating. She went for sympathy and may have gotten it.
"The votes MUST be fixed because the polls showed Obama ahead."
Umm...Wake UP!!!
Polls - A gathering of information from the voters.
Voters = People
In the wise words of Gregory House "People Lie"
Don't put so much faith in the "polls" it may end up killing a good candidate in the election.
And that's my take. I'd love to see what other folks have to say...
"Politicians are a lot like diapers. They should be changed frequently and for the same reason."
Robin Williams, Man of the Year