Weee MJ:FI

Sep 04, 2008 10:44

Your result for The Future Imperfect GPS Classification Test...
Aleph Yameen

Congratulations! Alephs are the intellectual elite of colony society. You have the opportunity to advance rapidly in the fields of science and engineering, and will likely be trusted with important decisions regarding the future of the colony.

Aleph Yameens tend to look at the whole of a problem, to see how something operates as a complete system. For this reason, you would do well in the fields of medicine and psychotherapy. You are logical, creative, and a gifted healer. People will look to you in times of crisis. Because of your status, many people will trust you, and you will probably have access to information that is not available to everyone.

Possible career paths include: Burglar, Life Scientist, Mathematician, Aleph Prime, Engineer, Fixer, and Field Medic.

You have the potential to be a great asset to our colony. You will be at the forefront of technology, paving the way for a better world. On behalf of Mothership, and your fellow colonists, thank you for taking the Genetic Potential Scale Classification Test!

Take The Future Imperfect GPS Classification Test at HelloQuizzy

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