Date: 13 April, 1999
Characters: Padma Patil, Cho Chang
Location: 47 South Vinewood, Flat 3A
Status: Private
Summary: In which Padma eschews social conventions and drops by a friend's flat unannounced.
Completion: Complete
It was the very height of rudeness, what Padma was planning as she walked through the evening darkened and rather cold streets of Hogsmeade, but her resolve was absolute and no screaming little voice in her head was going to dissuade her. Cho's owl, which she had forgotten/not had time/neglected to reply to, had stated that she was usually free on weekends. Padma realised that dropping by without first letting her friend know was tantamount to an ambush, but she hoped that Cho would not mind too terribly. After all, what were the matters of social conventions between friends?
She found the building of flats easily enough- really, it wasn't terribly far from her own house, which secretly pleased her- and went inside. It was not until she had started mounting the stairs to the desire flat that the tiny voice in her mind actually began making sense. By the time she found herself at the door to flat 3A, it was really all she could do to simply raise her hand and knock. She did, however, knock thrice, and then listened for any sign that anyone might be within. Padma suddenly felt a chill; what if she had mis-remembered the flat number? What if this was a bad time? What if the open invitation had simply been one of politeness?
Merlin help her, this could be a disaster.