Date: 16 May 1999
Characters: Lisa Turpin, Michael Corner, Terry Boot
Location: #44 South Vinewood Avenue
Status: Semi-Private (roomies welcome)
Summary: Lisa drops by with food to be sure Michael's being properly nourished.
Completion: Incomplete
It had been a pretty busy week, but Lisa was determined to drop in on Michael at least once during the week and make sure someone was looking out for him. She wasn't exactly the motherly type, for the most party, but at least she could bring him food. Even if he didn't need it, he'd at least enjoy it--it was food, after all. Her cooking wasn't exactly the Three Broomsticks, but she managed some sandwiches, a bit of simple pasta salad, and a bag of crisps she found in the cupboard.
Everything tucked in a bag, she flooed over, hoping that Michael would be home. If not, she'd just leave it for him with a note. "Michael? Terry, Greg, anyone?"