License to Drive and Other Things

Aug 11, 2009 16:49

I will commence this entry with a description of the G1 License in Canada, or at least in Ontario, for all those not familiar with it. When you turn 16, you're allowed to take a written test which, when passed, enables you to drive as long as you have a licensed driver of at least 4 years experience in the car. A year after you acquire your G1 License, you're allowed to take the G2 driving test. This allows you to drive alone and has hardly any other restrictions. I don't know when after that you're allowed to take a final driving test for the final G License, but once you've taken that you're fully licensed.

Anyways, for some time now I've been able to take my G1 written test. I've been the the place to write it many times, but every single time I never had the right identification, or something was wrong with this form, etc. Today I finally got the chance to write it and, in typical me fashion, passed it. (Oh man did that sound bragging.) So now I've got my G1 License. Finally.

When I was waiting for my number to be called to go and write it, I was examining the other people who were waiting. More specifically, I was not people watching, but feet watching. As I was looking at a pair of flip flops, I had this terrible gut-wrenching feeling that I had forgotten to wear my shoes. It was the weirdest thing. Of course it only took a second to realise that I had shoes on, but man, ha.

In other news, I watched Julie & Julia yesterday, and I thought it was a lighthearted, feel-good film. It was an interesting enough story that also made me want to blog more (if you see the movie you'll know why) and Meryl Streep and Amy Adams both gave good performances. There were comedic moments and touching moments and all of that stuff.

And here's hoping I'll survive the next round at lotr_lims. Voting goes up in about an hour, so be sure to go and vote for your favourite icon! For now, I'm off to read some more of Three Day Road. I've been reading this one slowly, but it's SO good. I've also learned a few Cree words. Ready? Masinahikewin means "writing". Of course, I have no idea how to pronounce that sucker - I can only guess.

life, books, movies, thoughts, random happenings

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