Tracking - Brave New World

Aug 17, 2018 17:36

When taken: Demon Dean's from after his trip back "home" to the labs and the fallout from then in TA. He's still up on the fence with Alastair, but is certain his obedience to Sam is back to normal. He's looking into killing angels, figuring it'll give him something productive to do.

BEGINNING - Way before BNW - Dean's wakes up dead on the table and is tortured into a proto-demon by Alastair without the length of Hell. Instead of thirty Hell years, it's a few Earth months.
WEEK ONE - DAY 0 - Way before BNW - immediately post-rescue from Landels Institute. Sam drags him out into the forest as the Institute burns and Dean has his first day as a free man since he died.

Dean encounters Team Archangel, about almost a year passes after Week One. BNW starts here for him

MEETING CLAIRE - Dean meets "Other-Claire', different from the Claire he knows in TA. She finds out he's a demon when she takes off his not-so-stylish shades.
RECRUITED - Claire recruits for the Company. Dean's interested in the part about finding out about "other" things, like fellow freaks and angels. He's got a grudge against angels, so he's interested.
PICK-UP - Dean heads out and hoofs it to Reno. Claire picks him up and they hit NYC.
MEETING HIMSELF - Dean's taken to Nathan's apartment by Claire, told to wait. Human!Dean shows up, manages to trap him briefly, and then the line of the trap breaks. The apartment gets trashed and Sam shows up. Dean hands over Human!Dean all proud of himself. Sam threatens to kill him, Dean might bust a nut at the fact that Sam really can carry out his promise, but it's bad timing. He asks him to give him more time.
TOTEM POLE - Claire complains about not being on need-to-know. Dean trolls her.
RUBY - Dean briefly talked to Rosier, possessing an Elle. He then runs into Ruby, claiming to have sent Rosier back to Hell. It starts neutral and then turns into a borderline demonic catfight when Dean finds out that Ruby wants to Sam to say "yes". Dean ragefaces.
GOD - Zebra!Claire complains about believing in God. Dean shows up to troll. Took place before she realized he wasn't going to do anything to her.
RESEARCH - Dean finds himself in a secluded corner of a library trying to look into the stuff hunters gank, trying to play catch up. He runs into both Claires and a bored Trickster!Gabriel. Zebra!Claire invites him in.
YES - Dean finds out Other!Him took off to try to get to Michael. Convinced he can help Sam by offering his own corpse to the Archangel, he tries to say "yes", but no one comes.
SAM / THE COMPANY - Claire drags Dean to Sam, Sam's pissed, Dean comes to the conclusion that going to the Company will help Sam get over his distrust. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
VACATION - Claire mentions taking off with Sam. Dean's concerned about security risks.
DOLPHIN - Dolphin!Claire's surprised by finding Dean in her bathroom after last time. They talk about how to get Sam to trust Dean.
COLD - Dean needs better clothes to deal with the cold. He runs into Claire and Buffy. Buffy buys him some. They talk about hunting. Dean wants to bring a vampire corpse to Sam.
RELEASE FORMS - Dean fills out Company forms, forges all over them, and talks to some others curious about it. He turns them into Angela.
BAR - Dean takes cover from the cold and watches TV in a bar. He's joined by Xander and Claire. He confronts her about the Company being "soft".
WAFFLES (THE DOG) - Claire has a dog, Dean thinks there's something wrong with it. He argues with Peter about how to treat Claire.
PHONE CALL - Dean tries to call Sam to tell him about the Company. He gets directions from Future!Cas and shows up in person.
GABRIEL - Gabriel shows up from 5x19 spoilers. Dean wonders why he can get close to the angel.
RESEARCH 2 - Dean had talked earlier to Sam about the two remaining Horsemen. Determined to try to help Sam, he tries to look into Pestilence. He gets into a fight with Dolphin!Claire.
OPRAH AUTOGRAPH - Zebra!Claire announces she's going to be on Oprah. Dean does a manly jizz in his pants about it and wants an autograph.
GIVING UP OPRAH - Dean gets roped into looking for Castiel, Claire sucks at trying to beat him up.
TV - Dean says TV is totally a hobby
SAM 2 - Dean runs up to another Sam in BNW.
CLAIRE - Claire declares they need to go on the roadtrip to find Castiel, Dean drags his feet.
ROAD TRIP - Dean's driving (well, trying) and Claire rides shotgun as they look for the MIA Castiel.

bnw, ooc, tracking

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