Team Hunter is the place to be! (Please don't sing that to the Green Acres theme.)

Jun 27, 2010 23:16

Top 5 Reasons to Join Team Hunter

1. Hunters are some serious GQMFs.

I'm not sure if this point is in question, but, in the event that it is, I will now present to you our case in chief:

Hokay, so. Here are the hunters, chilling. "Damn, that is a sweet group of hunters," you might say. FIERCE. Alright. Ruling out hellfire brimming over, angels becoming crashed into us, the Winchesters leaving, and the earth exploding, we're definitely going to win the next Apocalypse.

Sold yet? No? Allow me to proceed.

2. Regularly scheduled team bonding activities. EVERY WEEK TEAM HUNTER BRINGS THE PARTY IN A SEKKRIT PATENTED RECIPE FOR SUCCESS. It involves Sam Winchester's Magical Healing Semen. True story.

3. Team Hunter's mods are not afraid to pull their hairs out--one by one!--for the sake of team challenges. Sanity is at the very bottom of our priorities list (and, to name just one, as The Great Thief Challenge proved, the same is true for much of the team), which is the perfect recipe for good times while fighting the good fight (and who doesn't want to have the time of their lives fighting the good fight?). Your mods also enjoy asides (of the parenthetical variety).

4. Team Hunter has the fiercest flag to ever fly over spnland.

BAM! Do you see that work of art? It takes a pretty awesome group of people to create something so fly. Pirate!Mary, Culturally Clueless!Castiel, gay hobbits (are there any other kind?), Ozymandias, surprise!JDM (who is always fucking surprising), zombies, a very luxuriously coiffed Lucifer, Longhorns Cheerleader!Jensen, the Impala, and crying!Tim Tebow. What more could you possibly want? We've got something for everyone here at Team Hunter. And we want YOU!

5. Did we forget to mention SEX APPEAL? Team Hunter has it in spades. (i.e. We have the boys, all arguments are invalid.)



Warning: Team Hunter is not responsible for damage caused by gratuitous Chad Michael Murray.

team hunter is unfairly badass

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