We were a few weeks into the tour, and I was sitting on the couch in the bus, the rest of the band scattered in the compartment, my keyboard in my lap with the headphones plugged in. I had sat down intending to work on another pop-song arrangement for Rebecca, Clif and my string trio, which had been met to surprising success for the last couple of
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Comments 2
First time I laughed out loud. I love pretentious words. Pretentious is a pretentious word itself.
October laughed and shut the door, while Denmark mocked a complaint, saying, “But I was just getting my wallet out!”
I feel like this was one of those things I should expect Denmark to say, but it was so completely ~unexpected that it was really really funny. Whoo, comedic timing!
Also, Grey and Rome contact high ice cream dateeeee XD
And your author's note made me giggle like a high Rome noticing his legs like he's Eddie Izzard hitting on a girl in middle school :D
(P.S. I wasn't making fun of your art icon before, I actually thought it was adorable. I'm just amused by art icons for art posts.)
Oh, I had SO much fun writing high Rome. It's a little embarrassing to admit that it was like being back in the head of my narrator from my silly high school story--but he always acted like that. D:
Aah, I wasn't sure about the comment. There's that stigma that "all people who draw animals are 'furfags.'" I wasn't upset, but thanks for clearing it up anyway. ^.^
Thanks so much for commenting! I really appreciate it!
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