476 C.E. - Eleven: Appassionato (and extras)

Aug 14, 2011 17:18

BAM, chapter eleven. Here it is, and it's the longest one so far. I think it makes up for the last chapter. Hopefully reading it will give you the same face as my icon. (Pinkie Pie, you are so random)

Remember that image I made with people that sort of mostly look like the characters? The one that's linked RIGHT HERE?

Well, Ann decided to fix the images to make them even better.

Here it is:

Much better, right?

But also, I was derpin' around on deviantArt a while back, and I came across this picture...


And I had a nerdgasm, because OMG ROME IS A REAL PERSON OMG OMG OMG. Seriously, shave that silly patch of hair on that dude's chin, and maybe make his eyebrows less...hairy, and that IS ROME.

Um, that is all.

476, fic

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