Since I've caught up on the recent topics, I figured I'd go back and answer some from before I joined. Here are May's topics:
The song lyrics are back. I can't seem to stop myself
If you could invent a holiday, what and when would it be? What special traditions would take place on that day?
I would invent Friends' Day. No, not a day to celebrate the sitcom, though I wouldn't be adverse to it. A holiday to celebrate one's friends. We have days to honor our mothers, fathers, grandparents, presidents, lovers, veterans, even our secretaries. We have days to celebrate the Earth, the birth of our nation, the work force, the Irish (read: beer), some Spanish guy that never actually landed in our country... you get the picture. So I'd propose setting up Freinds' Day, a day wehre we tell our frineds how much they mean to us, share memories and laughs, and just enjoy each other's company. Because really, life would be pretty miserable without friends.
When would Friends' Day be? I don't know, there isn't any specific date that screams out to me. How about some time in August? That's the only month left with no major holiday. Yes, August needs a holiday. Why not Friends' Day?
What would constitute a "perfect" evening for you?
I'm not sure there is such a thing as a "perfect" evening. But if I had to define mine, I'd say no work, first of all. I'd be at home, relaxed and comfortable, watching television with my cat. Too boring? Maybe a little, but that's when I'm happiest. Now, in a perfect world, a world where I was still mortal, the evening would also include a romantic candlelight dinner with Caleb, followed by him serenading me with that gorgeous voice of his, then ending in the bedroom... I'll leave the rest to the imagination.
Who is your personal role model?
This one's tough. I don't know if I really have a role model. There are people I admire, actors and musicians I'm fans of, that sort of thing. But a role model? If I had to pick anyone, I suppose it would be my Aunt Keely. We've always been close, like sisters. She taught me everything I needed ot know about being a witch, has always been there for me and accepts me no matter what. She's a powerful witch herself and runs a successful business while still managing to raise a family. She has the kind of life I'll never get, the kind I sometimes find myself longing for.
What is good and what is evil?
There was a time when good and evil were more black & white to me. Ask Eddie (my co-worker and ex-boyfriend), and he'll have a quick, simple answer: "People are good. Vampires are evil." Well, I've come to learn this isn't quite the case. I'm a vampire and a witch, and while I'd never claim to be a saint, I like to think I'm mostly a good person. But that wasn't really the question. The question was what is good/evil, not who. Good and evil are such subjective terms, though, I'm not sure I can really define them here. Everyone has some of both in them, it's what makes us interesting. The world without good would be a frightening place, yet the world without evil would be pretty damn boring. For one thing, I'd be out of a job.
I still haven't answered the question, have I'? Fine. Pearl Jam is good. Vanilla Ice is evil. But that's only my opinion.